Page 61 of Breaking the Girl

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I size him up. He’s genuinely concerned about Leighton, that idiot. He doesn’t stand a chance with her.

Never have, never will.

I’ve had the front-row seats to this show, of her rejecting him over and over again.

A few times, they had this discussion in our kitchen. I overheard her telling him Rylan is a much better fit for him. That they will never be together.

Other days, when I’d watched them from the second floor, I hadn’t heard her telling him no. I saw it. He’d come close to her whenever Ry would go into the house for whatever reason. Leighton’s face would scrunch at whatever came out of Milo’s mouth and she’d usually take a step back.

My Leighton.

Yet here he is, obsessed with a girl who wouldn’t give him the time of day. He won’t rest until he has my woman.

What makes him this persistent, though?

Maybe I’m missing something? Maybe there’s more to it?

Did something happen between them in college?

They hadn’t slept together, obviously. She bled for me and only me. But there are other things that the two of them could’ve done.

My nails dig into the skin of my palms. Fury filters into my blood.

Leighton and I will have a very interesting discussion when she wakes up. A therapy session, even. The most unethical and necessary one I ever held.

“Hmm.” Rylan’s voice slices through my thoughts. “Yup. Leigh-Leigh is alive.”

“Leigh-Leigh?” His brow furrows. “Since when do you call her that?

She shrugs.

“Whatever. Where is she, then? Why’d she leave her phone here?” His desperation shows when he throws his hands up in the air. “What’s going on that you’re not telling me, Rylan?”

“Nothing. She could’ve gone to her parents’.” Rylan shrugs after blurting out the familiar explanation. “Could’ve forgotten about it.”

I fell for it once. When she tried to reason why my girlfriends wouldn’t take my calls.

Milo wouldn’t. His furrowed brow and how his hair sticks out point out his obsession. Slowly but surely, his sanity begins to slip.

I’m comforted by the knowledge that Rylan could take him out in her sleep.

“Great idea. Let’s call them.” He steps toward her, his tone a pitch too high. Too excited at the prospect of tracking Leighton. “You have their number, right? Call them right the fuck now.”

“Calm down, Milo.” After setting her laptop aside, she prowls to him. “Freaking out isn’t helping anyone.”

Rylan has gotten her looks from her mother, Camille. The blue eyes, the straight black hair, her tall, skinny frame. All Camille. All beautiful.

Rylan’s voice, though? How she uses it to manipulate people? That shit she got from me. One thousand percent.

“Then what?” His shoulders slump. Milo’s resistance fails when met with Rylan’s purring voice. “Tell me what to do, Rylan.”

“I have a few ideas.” She flattens her palms on his chest.

Fortunately for the dumb fuck, he ignores my daughter’s flirting attempts.

He wants Leighton.

Well, tough shit. He won’t get to her. He won’t come anywhere near Leighton ever again. I’d castrate him if he ever came close to her.

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