Page 53 of Breaking the Girl

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Marcus removes his finger from my pussy, sliding two of them quickly up my clit and squeezing. It’s a tight fit, between my body and his. But if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that this man will stop at nothing.


“Last chance, Leighton.” His touch burns. His touch turns me on. “Tell me you love me. That you’ve always needed me. Admit that you’ve felt our connection all those nights you’ve lurked outside my door. That it was because you loved me.”

“I didn’t use you.” I choke on my spit. I can’t tell if he’s trying to humiliate me or get me off. He succeeds in both. Doesn’t matter. I won’t ever tell him I love him. “I’ve been using another man.”

“I’m the same person I’ve always been. I’ve always been both.” His grasp around my thighs tightens, punishing. Bruising me. “You’ll see that soon. I’ll force your eyes to open. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you see.”

“You can’t—”

Time stills. My body flies in the air. The rest of the sentence dies when shock swoops in and shuts me up. I flail my arms and legs for what feels like an eternity.

My eyes latch on to my kidnapper. The soft glow from the house and the underwater lights illuminate the devil just enough for me to catch his dark expression.

Then the longest second ever reaches its climactic ending. My ass hits the warm water of the pool. They wrap their vicious arms around me. Latching on to my skin. Pulling me under.

I’ve never learned how to swim.

I guess, now, I never will.

“Leighton,” Marcus booms. His hands rest on his hips, calm and assessing me while panic eats at my soul. “Do you remember? Remember how much you love me?”

This isn’t a swimming lesson. This isn’t his way of helping me to cope with my fear.

It’s a means to control me.

Fuck him. I’d rather die than give him the satisfaction.

Even if it’s the truth.

He’ll have to admit that he loves me the way I need him to first. He’ll have to stop being a sadistic asshole before I admit to anything. I won’t cave in to his manipulations. I refuse to be a pawn in his sick game.

If he really loves me, he’ll be the one who’ll have to come to me. Not the other way around.

“I don’t.” My heart pounds, my inhales and exhales short. Air barely gets in and out. I scream through the burn, “Don’t love you.”

When my head goes below the surface, I kick my feet like I’ve seen Marcus and Rylan do a million times. Wave my arms and splash water everywhere. I’m not exactly floating and there’s water in my mouth, but I’m not drowning.

I’ve got this.

“Tell me you want me to come get you. Me. No one else.” Marcus whips his shirt over his head, throwing it behind him. “And I’ll dive in to save you.”

“No.” I tilt my head back so I look up at the star-filled sky, gasping for air. “Never. You”—I spit out water, sucking in air—“psycho.”

“Leighton.” Worry slithers into his voice.


“Look at you. You’re drowning.” He emphasizes the last word, knowing it’ll push my buttons. “Admit that you love me already, dammit.”

For the past day and night, he’s been controlling every aspect of my life. And while running away isn’t an option for me, I do have this.

I’m done being the only one confused. The one used.

I’m fighting back.

I’ll be the one who’ll force him to remember who he was. Force him to remember what love looks like.

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