Page 10 of Breaking the Girl

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Rylan stands up, throwing her arms around his neck. Her cutoff jeans and pink T-shirt hike up her slim body when she does, though she doesn’t seem to notice.

“What will you eat, Dad?” She pretends to sound sad.

I recognize the voice, and I chuckle inwardly. Now, I get what’s going on. She wants to talk to me about boys. About a boy. Without her dad listening in.

Her being upset wasn’t about me ogling Dr. Kingston. Something happened with Milo.

Thank God.

“Don’t worry about me.” He rubs on her back and then pulls away. Marcus heads to their open kitchen, placing his messenger bag on the counter. “I’ll choose between the leftovers from the organic place Leighton ordered from yesterday or the Italian from the day before that in the study.”

Eep. He likes the food I ordered.

Another praise I’m misinterpreting. Because it’s just food. Just. Food.

“Good choice, by the way, Leighton.”

“Thanks.” I tuck my hair behind my ear, hating how high-pitched my voice sounds.

It’s hard to talk when I’m choked by my own misguided emotions.

Rylan’s gaze sears me another time today. I don’t look at her, but I feel the burn. The resentment.

When I twist my gaze to her, I’m proven wrong. All I’m faced with is her sweet smile.

Fuck, I’ve spent way too many hours in the sun today. First, I imagine that Marcus likes me, then that she hates me? I’m losing it.

Rylan doesn’t hate me. She can’t. She’s my bestie. My ride or die. My sister from another—thank fuck for that—mister.

Another reason why I’m being a total dick, crushing on her father the way I do.

It’s more than a crush.

Useless. It’s absolutely useless to think about it.

For the time being. I’ll wait for tonight when Rylan sneaks out to another one of her hacking competitions to get my fix. I’ll be better tomorrow.

Less horny, and hence less starry-eyed.

“I’m a little dehydrated,” I whisper to Rylan. “Could you get me some water while I order us pizza and put the movie on?”

I don’t want Marcus overhearing me say yes and getting me water himself. He’d do that. He has done that in the past. He’s old-school like that. Hot like that. But Rylan didn’t like it. She’ll hate it even worse today, if the way she’s acting is any indication.

“Hey, you okay?” Rylan presses the back of her hand to my forehead. My sweet friend, concerned about me zoning out. “You’re hot. Damn. I should’ve noticed this earlier. I’m so sorry for not getting you a drink, Leigh.”

“Leighton?” Marcus lifts his head from his phone.

“It’s my fault.” I ignore him, whispering to Rylan with a small, reassuring smile on my face. “I’m a big girl. I shouldn’t have neglected it after I fell asleep by the pool.”

“This blame game could last forever. I’ll get you water.” Rylan winks at me, trotting off to the kitchen. “Tomorrow, I’m watching you like a hawk, girlie.”

She returns, placing a chilled water bottle in my hand.

“Thanks.” I pop the cap off, while she runs off to her dad.

In the kitchen, she and Marcus talk some more in hushed voices. The fridge opens and closes, and I fix my eyes on the television, putting Halloween on.

I’m dying to sneak glances in their direction. Especially when the sound of a jacket being shrugged off fills my ears. When I picture Marcus rolling up the sleeves of his shirt up his corded forearms.

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