Page 88 of Voltage

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“You’ve been so good.” I caress her cheeks, snuggling her. Sharing her with Carter.

“You were perfect.” Carter spins to his side, perching his head on his hand.

His fingers trace a line from Amara’s collarbone to her navel, and she shivers. My fingers close on her forearm, my lips kissing her shoulder, praising her with my mouth.

Amara opens her palms to us, and we take them. The sweet girl she is, she brings them to the space over her heart. For the three of us to touch each other.

Carter presses a kiss to her nipple. Our abuse left its marks on her. Her breasts are red, starting to turn purple. Amara purrs, gazing at him, and slowly at me. Asking for something.

Affection. Not for her. We’re obviously affectionate enough toward this beautiful woman who’s brought us together. Who has endured two cocks stretching her.

She’s asking us to show kindness to one another.

Another uncharted territory for both Carter and me.

But I do want—no, need—him to know this isn’t just about him sharing Amara. That this isn’t just sex.

It isn’t. I wouldn’t have obsessed over him for years—wouldn’t have been abstinent from sex for three long years—if it weren’t for a deeper emotion.

“Carter.” I mirror his position, resting my lips on Amara’s wounded temple. I raise one thumb from where our hands are entwined on Amara’s chest, caressing his palm. “Thank you.”

With a strand of hair falling on his forehead, he offers me a smile. This isn’t his crazy one. It’s a satisfied one. He’s calm. Strangely so.

“Let’s get Amara nice and clean and spoiled.” He brings her hand to his lips and untangles himself from her hold.

Carter rises to his knees, scooping her up like she weighs nothing.

“Yay, aftercare shower.” Amara wiggles her toes, her smile brightening the entire space.

Another thing I don’t know about her. About them.

Then they twist their heads to where I’m perched on the rug, their eyes questioning. Including me. I’m not feeling left behind. I’m eager to learn more.

Amara outstretches her hand to me. “Killian, you coming?”



Carter’s fingers lather shampoo into my hair. Massaging my scalp. Killian’s at my front, his hands rubbing liquid soap to my sensitive skin.

We stand under the water spray in Killian’s shower. I’ve never been here, in this bathroom that’s identical to Carter’s. Their bedrooms look a lot alike too.

Their personalities, as well.

I see that now. Both are dominating and caring. Degrading and praising. Thoughtful lovers who wouldn’t hesitate to pull my hair or bruise my flesh.

That’s why we connect so easily. Why soon, very soon, selfies of the three of us will be decorating Killian’s bedroom walls. Then the bedrooms will be truly identical.

“Hmm.” I smile at the idea.

“Pet.” Carter's palm cradles my jaw from behind, tilting my head up to him. I close my eyes, and he’s careful, washing the suds off my hair. “What’s going on in your deviant mind?”

A lot of things.

Starting with getting the two of them to express their feelings to each other. I should go slow. Ask if this was a one-off. Say I wish it weren’t. That I don’t give a fuck what my parents would make of us. Because I don’t.

My soul levitates around them. Their connection purely magical.

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