Page 81 of Voltage

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Her voice is so sweet. So decadent. Hearing her beg breaks through my restraint. From her lips, the idea of kissing Carter doesn’t sound as bad. Every reason we shouldn’t be together is being stripped away. All of them. One by fucking one.

There’s nothing wrong with us.

There’s just love.

Pure, intoxicating, mad, and accepting love.

Amara screams this truth without uttering a single word. Tells me it’s okay to be whoever the fuck I am. To take what I want and forget everything and everyone else.

I knew this had to have been the reason Carter runs off to spend time with her whenever he could. Yes, he’s been staying with me longer. He’s done that every time I’ve asked him to. He was happy to be needed. To be by my side.

He’s also been torn and guilty as fuck about making Amara wait.

After being hit with the full force of her, I understand why.

“Killian.” Amara’s fingers dip beneath my chin, tilting my head up to Carter.

She doesn’t force me. She’s offering him. Easing my doubts.

It takes me a moment. Eventually, I let my gaze travel to Carter’s.

Our eyes meet, and it’s nothing like when Amara and mine had. Both of us are strong. Both are dominant. Our stares clash, his fire consuming mine while mine slams into him. My desire is mirrored in his gaze. The air between us thickens.

His fingers grip mine tighter inside Amara’s pussy. His molars grind. Carter’s not a patient man. I can tell he’s calling on every ounce of self-restraint to keep from grabbing my face and kissing me.

He needs me to show him I’m in.

“Yeah. Please, Killian.” Carter presses closer, his chin grazing the top of Amara’s head.

His movement pushes Amara forward and into me. Her breasts collide with my chest. The tip of my dick brushes her soft belly.

Carter’s lips are precariously close to mine.

“This isn’t right,” I grunt out.

It’s not an I don’t want this, and both of them hear it.

Amara tempts me by swaying back and forth in the tight space we offer her. Grinds on our fingers. Her moans are hot against my chest. Her lips are flower petals on my skin, and her taut nipples are so fucking sexy.

Carter continues stroking my fingers inside her. Eyeing me.

“It’s right,” Carter demands.

“So right,” Amara chimes in.

I’m so hard for them. The two of them. Precum leaks from the tip of my cock on Amara’s skin. My breaths and Carter’s mix, entangle. The three of us are toxic together. Our obsession is the worst kind of drug that ruins people.

“I fucking want this, Killian.” Carter’s eyes narrow. They lack his usual intensity. He’s asking. Pleading. Groaning with frustration. “Fucking kiss me already.”

Those four words kill my sense of right and wrong. They demolish the outside world. Erase the memories I have of him as a kid. Bring to light those of the man he’s become.

The three of us are the only thing that matters now. The only people existing.

This chaotic girl and my unhinged stepson.

No more second thoughts.

“Come here.” My desire wins over.

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