Page 64 of Voltage

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“Thanks, Opal.” I lean in to hug her, not caring she suddenly stills instead of hugging me back. “I needed this.”

“To have him castrated?”

“What? No.” Her question snips something all right. Our hug. I pull back, my giggles waning. “No, no. No castrating. His dick is one of his best qualities.”

Right after his affectionate, weird, and possessive heart. And how he comforted me this weird-ass morning.

“Gotcha, boss.” She returns to shifting the flowers around. “If you ever change your mind…”

“I know where to find you.”

I don’t elaborate after that. She doesn’t ask for more.

Talking about my disappointment and confusion isn’t necessary. I laughed it out.

My flowers and Opal made it better.

Later that day, Carter makes everything perfect.

He shows up on time before I even have a chance to hang the Closed sign up and lock the shop for the weekend.



“Amara.” Carter’s gray gaze lingers on my cutoff jeans, moving higher up to my red and blue T-shirt. “You should change. Or at least wear a hoodie over your T-shirt. You’ll catch a cold.”

“Nope.” I hop in place, my sneakers hitting the floor in my living room again and again and again. “I’m still hot from the shower. If I pull on one of my hoodies, I’ll sweat.”

Carter lets out a short laugh, tilts his head, and rubs his jaw slowly. Crazy seductive even when he just watches me.

“Maybe if you stopped jumping in place”—he doesn’t move to stop me, only looks me over and smirks—“you wouldn’t have to worry about sweating. You’ll be cold outside. I’ll spank you if you don’t grab a sweater from one of these boxes.”

He doesn’t chide me for being all over the place. Doesn’t remind me we’re already done packing and should get going.

Love bleeds from his eyes. Love he won’t admit to, not yet. But it’s there. My family always gave me the stink eye for letting off steam by jumping or running around the house. Carter seems to like it.

By how hard he is, I’d say he’s turned on by it.

“Can’t.” Hop, hop, hop. This time, I shake my arms before dropping them to my sides. “Too nervous. Too much energy. We’re moving in together, muffin. I still can’t believe it.”

“Us, and…”

My whole body sobers in response.

“Oh.” I stop jumping, hugging my middle.

Doubts gnaw at my excitement. I have no idea what to expect of Killian. Normally, I wouldn’t care. I do now. I don’t want to disappoint them or be a burden.

If Killian turns away from me again, I’ll blame myself. I won’t be able to escape the feeling of being less than. Of being this annoying girl who gets in the way.

“Pet, what did I say about hugging yourself?” He stalks toward me, enveloping me into his warm body. His sandalwood cologne mixes with his delicious Carter scent, and I snuggle into his chest. “You don’t get to do that whenever I’m around. I hug you. Me.”

“You’re right.”

“Hey.” He draws back to lock my chin between his fingers, angling my head up. He still has one arm looped around me, locking me to him. “What happened yesterday, it was real.”

“What was?”

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