Page 39 of Voltage

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Then, and only then, do I allow myself to let go. With him.

And him. Killian’s attempt to quiet his grunt of pleasure fails. The feral sound gives him away.

He came with us.

In the darkness I’m in, I let myself ride the waves of my orgasm while these two men come off theirs.

I’m in heaven.

I’m in love. I’m going to die, I’m so happy.

“I adore you, pet.” Carter tilts my head, slanting his lips against mine. Claiming me with a passionate kiss. Biting me. Plunging his tongue behind my lips.

He makes love to my lips for minutes that feel like hours. I cry out when he stops, then smile at how gentle he’s being.

Carter caresses my stomach, my breasts. He pulls out of me ever so slowly, removing the vibrator tenderly. Making sure his touch comforts and doesn’t hurt. Spoiling me.

He’s the master of aftercare. He can be the most violent man while his dick is hard, but once we’re done, he’s back to being a big softy.

My unhinged, cutie pie, muffin.

It makes me wonder what Killian is like. Would he have threaded his fingers through Carter’s hair, kissed his forehead, ran him a bath like Carter does for me? Would he have spooned the two of us in bed, whispering sweet nothings to help us come down from the high?

I don’t know. I probably never will.

“Let’s get you out of that, A.” His hands are on me to help me to my back. Kisses my pussy. Removes Killian’s tie.

There he is, my handsome guy. His muscles pulsing, his dick still hard. The room is darker, though. When I sneak a glance to the side, I find the door to Carter’s bedroom has been closed.

“Such a good girl.” Carter’s mouth tastes like me. And I smile. “I’ll take care of you, Amara. From now until the day I die. I’ll take care of you.”

I believe him.

“You deserve a bath.” Carter’s feet hit the rug by his bed first, his arms scoop me up second. The moonlight illuminates him enough so his gray orbs sparkle.

My body shivers at the forehead kiss he gives me. I fight to keep my eyes open. To look at my handsome, perfect man.

“I’ll find a way,” he says, his words cryptic, and he doesn’t elaborate.

I don’t ask him to, either.

I let him carry me to his bathroom and give me the warmest bath. That’s more than enough.

That’s everything I need.



Runner’s high.

Yeah, right.

It’s a beautiful morning. I’ve just finished a ten-mile run on the treadmill.

My sneakers pounded loudly with how fast I went. My fingers tapped the display over and over as I upped the speed and incline every five minutes. Drops of sweat cascaded down my neck and back with the effort.

I’m supposed to be euphoric. Coasting high on endorphins.

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