Page 199 of Voltage

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Something about her resistance and today’s events push me further over the edge. Closer to insanity than I’d like to admit. But fuck if I don’t like it.

My lips curve up, and I feel as though my smile isn’t mine.

It’s Carter’s. A crazy grin that stretches my lips. I watch Amara’s face twist with love and fear. Carter’s tongue as he swipes it across his bottom lip.

I’m being transformed into a savage.

A loving, obsessed savage.

“Sweetheart, nothing is yours anymore.” My hold on Carter’s hair tightens and he moans. “From now on, everything is ours. And we’re here to collect. We share hearts, blood, and everything in between. Everything.”

I let her scream and wiggle as I yank on Carter’s head and bring his mouth to mine. His tongue flicks on my tongue, offering me Amara’s blood. Offering me his mouth. His tongue. His soul.

Choosing which one of them tastes better is impossible. Good fucking thing I don’t have to choose.

Both of them are mine for the rest of our lives.

“Enough.” I tear him from me when my need to conquer bleeds from my every pore. Uncontrolled and unhinged, I grab Amara’s thigh, forcing her pussy to my knee. She drips on me as I order Carter, “Take me out.”

His lips are parted, swollen, red. His breaths are labored.

“My pleasure.” He’s feral, his voice less human and more of a growl.

“Help,” Amara whimpers as Carter moves to the side, biting down on his knife.

The hunter in me takes the back seat if only for a second to gauge for any signs of distress on her beautiful face. Carter works my belt, and her brown orbs sparkle. Deviant little thing.

“Fuck.” Carter’s hand on my cock has my attention snapping back to him.

More feeble cries burst from Amara at the sight of my throbbing cock. Cries that are actually moans.

“See this?” I thrust my knee to her pussy, reveling in her pained scream. In how Carter’s hand strokes me hard. “Every inch of me will be inside you.”

“Where?” She leans on her forearms, another attempt to run away. It gets her nowhere.

Carter drops the knife to the bed, his palm splaying out on her wounded flesh. “Bad girls don’t get to have answers.”

“They don’t.” A drop of precum leaks from my cock. “They just take it.”

“Stay there, pet.” Carter straightens to start unbuckling his belt.

“Okay,” she breathes.

She’s lying.

I love that. Her fight. Her crazy. She’s beautiful.

Carter’s hand fucks my cock slower so he can push down his zipper with one hand. Amara stares at us with a heated gaze. Both of us hover over her on our knees. Cocks out. Our violence barely contained.

“Want to get her naked?” I jerk my chin to where Carter’s pocket knife dropped. “Get her ready for us?”

Carter nods, and I move to the side, taking off my shoes and pants. Getting harder by the second as I watch him flip Amara on her stomach.

She clutches the front of the bed, mumbling ‘no.’ Her ass wiggles as she tries to flee.


“You just don’t understand, do you?” While I grab Amara’s foot, Carter silently slices through her dress, bottom to top. “You scared the living fuck out of us. It’s only fair you get a taste of it in return.”

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