Page 198 of Voltage

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At least we thought we did. Our terrified girl slips beneath Carter, then me, making a beeline for the bedroom.

“Go away!”

“Never.” My gait is slow and menacing. We’re right behind her.

“We’re taking you.” The amusement in his voice is palpable. “Then we’re using you. Punishing you.”

Her hand grips the handle of the bedroom’s door, her face pale. She’s about to close the door in our faces.

“Not happening, pet.” Carter’s hand shoves the door all the way back.

“Your tight holes better be ready for us.” I sidestep him, grabbing a fistful of Amara’s hair.

Goosebumps rake her skin when I graze my teeth along her slender neck. She shudders in my arms. Shuddering harder when Carter’s lips join me on the other side. He’s not as gentle as I am.

I know, because she starts screaming at his bite.

“I hope they’re not,” he adds, same as he always does, cupping her pussy from over her dress. “I hope we make it hurt.”

“You’ll be sore after we’re done with you.”

We prowl forward, giving Amara no other choice but to step back. She puts up a fight, and we push forward harder. Our legs are against hers, edging her backward until we’re stopped by the bed.

All it takes is the slightest shove to have Amara falling onto the bed. Her feet flail in the air for the second it takes her to recover. Our little prey doesn’t stay put, scrambling to get up. Desperate to flee.

She’ll never flee from us.


Her escape attempts are obliterated as soon as she starts moving. Carter shoves her right leg to the side, holding it there, while I push her dress up to her waist, revealing her soaked panties to us.

I’m about to ruin them some more.

“Don’t.” She hooks her fingers to the hem of the dress, trying to yank it down. Failing. “Please, don’t.”

Amara’s plea goes right over our heads. She’s our toy, and our toy has been naughty. She’s no match to Carter’s and my strength, and her body gives in to us. Carter holds her right thigh down, while I place my knee next to his, going for her panties.

“Help,” she cries out as I tear the flimsy material in two.

No one’s coming for her.

Once her panties are torn in half, I press my knee to her dripping hole, being a violent asshole about it.

“You’ll be very sore, A. And still…” With her stuck beneath me, it’s easy for Carter to take his knife out of his pants pocket and start his games. “You’ll be begging for more. Tell me why that is, Amara?”

“In your dreams.” Her large eyes fix on Carter’s knife as he pins it to her collarbone. “I would never ask you animals for more.”

“Wrong answer.” He nicks her skin.

Just a little.

Just enough to make her bleed for us.

“Mmm.” His hand is on the underside of her breast while he licks the blood off her. He tastes her skin, sucking the wounded area for more. “So good. Your fear is addictive, pet.”

I pull him by the hair. “Don’t be greedy.”

“No, Killian, stop.” It’s cute the way she tries to ward us off. Cute and futile. “This is my blood. Mine.”

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