Page 196 of Voltage

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Killian acknowledges us by throwing us a devious glance. Then he finishes what he started, hoisting Christopher in the air and flipping his body so the asshole lies on his other side.

Emptiness glares back at Amara and me behind Christopher’s eye. Crimson, thick blood gushes from where Killian stabbed him. Amara moans, wriggling in my hold. Making my cock leak with precum.

“That what you want?” Impatience takes hold of me, and I haul the skirt of her dress up, finding her panties soaked. “Your pussy touched while Killian’s over there killing the man who dared threaten you?”

“Please.” She turns her head to me, her desperate lips seeking mine.

With my free hand, I push her pretty face back to Killian. I shove her panties to the side, brushing my thumb on her clit once, twice, before squeezing mercilessly, causing her to jolt.

“And you thought she’d break up with us.” Killian smirks, watching us as he’s holding the shard in his hand like some goddamn medieval warrior.

“I had no idea I liked it, but I do. Now, I want more,” Amara confesses, her voice breathy.

Kinda hard to talk when I drag two fingers in and out of her cunt. When my thumb touches her the way she likes.

“You’ll get more, beautiful girl.” Killian obeys her command, lifting his hand to strike Christopher’s other temple.

The shard is sharp. Killian is murderous. Both work in his advantage, and Christopher’s skin bends to Kill’s will. Christopher’s blood splatters on every inch of his face, his hair falling on his forehead.

Amara’s orgasm pummels through her body, and she shudders in my grip.

They’re both perfect. So fucking perfect.

And once Christopher stops breathing, I have them and the room all for myself.



Blood coats my hands. Soaks my shirt, my pants, my shoes.

The pungent smell of puke laces with copper and hormones.

I should be disgusted. I should call someone to clean this shit up.

I should worry.

Our staff must have put two and two together and have realized the three of us are together in some capacity or another. Easing people into our relationship isn’t going to happen.

They’ll talk.

But what did I just say a few minutes ago?

Fuck the shoulds.

Thinking Amara might be hurt was a quick and painful lesson in what’s important in this life. I didn’t care about appearances. I was willing to kill anyone who looked at us the wrong way. Anyone who said a single motherfucking bad word about our relationship.

More than anything, I needed to save her.

And now that she’s safe, my resolve hasn’t changed. I know Carter and I won’t hesitate to take down anyone who threatens our small family.

Rip them to shreds.

“You think you’re safe, beautiful girl?” I ask the boneless girl Carter has in his arms.

Adrenaline pummels through my veins. Drenches my blood with violence.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” she whispers, betting her eyelashes at me.

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