Page 188 of Voltage

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Nothing will stop us. Never again.



Christopher the jerk: I’m here. Where are you?

He’s waiting for me next to room 5009, what used to be his room. Good thing they haven’t assigned it to anyone else yet. That could’ve put a dent in my plan. Would’ve destroyed my chance to prove my worth to Carter and Killian.

The part of getting his phone number was, in Carter’s words, child’s play.

After a couple of hours of digging, ta-dah—his website popped up. He had nothing on there but a Contact Us form. So, I did it. I contacted him. He emailed me back, and I informed him how to sneak into the hotel through the private elevator Killian and Carter use.

I also instructed him to wear a hoodie so he wouldn’t be spotted.

The hotel will probably get alerts when Christopher’s old room is broken into. By then, I’ll already have the fucker on his knees, holding my fake gun to his head. I’ll smile so wide while my two men barge in and end his life for real.

All of that’s about to happen. I walk through the hotel’s hallway, the hood of my black oversized hoodie hiding my identity. I brought it to the shop in my bag so Carter wouldn’t find out I’m being sneaky.

That way, Christopher won’t doubt me. He’ll believe my story, how I hate Killian and Carter.

As I stand by the door to his room, I push the hood back down. My smile is wide as I find the security camera for two whole seconds. Just as fast, I hide my face again and twist to the door with the golden numbers on it.


My fingers curl around the fake gun in my hoodie pocket. I bought it after the guy broke into my apartment.

Not bothering to reply to his text, I knock.

Asshole opens up quickly, wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. Just as I instructed. Poor idiot is so eager to kill me that he’d do anything.


“Amara.” He beckons me to step inside and closes the door behind me. “Thought you got cold feet, pretty toy.”

Before I take another step, his disgusting fingers are already on me. Pushing my hoodie back. Stroking my hair.

Operation Swallow Bile is set in motion.

“I would never. Bail on our secret date?” I bite my cheek from the inside. It’s better than biting his fingers off. “It’ll make the two assholes who run this place so mad for violating their code or rules or whatever, right?”

“Yes.” He inches closer. “You know why I hate them. You, though? I thought you were their precious little princess.”

His cologne defiles my nostrils. The sight of him is offensive to my eyes.

“I’ve never been their princess. Just their supplier. Not even that anymore since they terminated my contract as of last night.”

“Have they?”

“Yes, I told you they have.” Clearly, it’s a lie. But then I think of Georgia, and well… “Said they got a better offer from this bitch Georgia and her bitchy flowers. That’s why I’m here. That’s why…”

“Yes?” His slimy tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip.

“You and I will have lots of dirty sex here tonight.” I run a finger over his shaved jawline that feels like touching an eel. “Burn, break, destroy what’s theirs. What do you say, big daddy?”

The need to vomit is present. Good thing Carter and Killian have done a decent job at training my gag reflex.

“Sounds like something I’d like.” He tightens his grip on my hair, pulling violently. “Too good to be true. What’s the catch?”

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