Page 187 of Voltage

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He’s silent. Holding back. Sneaky man. I so fucking love him for that. Even when it means he’s hiding shit from me, he’s cute. Because he’s doing it to protect me. I’m sure he is. And I could never resent him for that.

“There’s no baby in here.” I make a show of pointing at my belly.

He groans. “Are you sure?”

“Yup. Absolutely.”

As soon as I start patting my belly, the cars ahead of us start to move. Reluctantly, Carter tears his stare from me and inches forward with them.

“Would you have liked it?”

“A baby?” He half twists his head to me, cocking an eyebrow. “Fuck yeah.”

This is news. We haven’t discussed the idea. I never thought Carter would be up for it.

For starters, we’re young. Then again, he only told me he loved me less than twenty-four hours ago.

He’s never mentioned anything remotely close to babies. But he is now. I would love nothing more than to have his and Killian’s babies.

They would be so loved. So cared for. They’ll be ours.

Now I’m the one plagued with images of our future children. Carter chuckles at our baby’s poop when changing their diaper. Whispering to them that nightmares are a good thing because kicking monsters’ butts is fun. They’d force smiles out of Killian. Laughter, even.

“You two would make amazing fathers.” I stroke Carter’s bicep.

“You don’t have to say that.” His muscles strain beneath my hand, his teeth grinding. “It was just a thought. Forget I mentioned it.”

This insecure look doesn’t suit him. At all.

“Hey.” My fingers run up to his hair, brushing the soft strands. “With you two as their dads, our children will be badass. They’ll inherit your smiles. Killian’s scowls. They’ll be perfect. You’ll be perfect.”

We arrive at my shop. My shop, I have to remind myself.

Focus, it’s about Carter now.

He pulls over, looking at me with hopeful eyes. He’s all-powerful, and yet he lets his softer side slip. For me.

“I’ll go off the pill tonight.” I twist to him, making sure he sees I’m telling the truth. “That’s how much I want it with you. Both of you.”

Carter leans in to grip either side of my face before crushing his lips to mine. His kiss consumes me, rattles me from the inside out. Rocks my fucking world.

When he draws back, he smiles, and so do I.

“A family.” I sigh, cradling my stomach.

“A family.” He covers my hands with his.

We’re having a moment, one we’ll share with Killian when we get home. I don’t want to ruin it.

I literally can’t, because I’m two seconds from bursting into tears.

“That sounds…” Goddammit, my chin wobbles. “That sounds amazing, Carter.”

“It will be,” he says.

I believe him. Like he’ll believe I’m a badass. That I love everything about him and Killian.

We only have to get through today—and we will—then we’re golden.

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