Page 184 of Voltage

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“What about them?” Two gulps later, she drains what’s left in the mug. “They haven’t been taking my calls. Are they dead?”

The way she sounds hopeful. This girl never ceases to amaze me.

“They haven’t been available for a reason.” Killian cups the side of her cheek. “We warned them against it.”

“I—uh—um—what? Why?” Her startled gaze darts frantically between us. Then her lips purse. “I have to talk to them. They haven’t evicted me yet. When they find a buyer, though, they will. Killian, I have to know these things. This isn’t right. Please, tell them to call me. I need to—I have to—”

I stop her rambling by pinching her pierced nipple. This calms her. She gapes at me, quiet as her cheeks blush.

“You don’t need them for anything. You have us, remember?” I twist her nipple, and she shrieks. Beautiful. “We know what’s going on with the building. It’s been sold. Well, more like a given. As a courtesy gift.”

“To us,” Killian—who’s less emotionally sadistic than I am—rushes to tell her.

“To you?” she starts. “Why would they?”

This wasn’t how we planned on telling her. We planned to order takeout. Light candles. Make a big thing of it.

Plans changed the moment she caught us.

“We told them they’re assholes. Said giving you the shop would be a nice way to apologize for years of being a poor excuse for parents. They agreed. I forged your signature, and now it’s yours, pet.” I slide my hand beneath Kill’s T-shirt she’s wearing, grab her hip, and drag her ass back to us. “The building and hence the shop is all yours.”

“I…” She puts away the empty mug.

Killian and I remain quiet. Letting her process the news.

I’m not sure what I expect. For her to run off and call Opal? Be mad at us for throwing money at her? For forging her signature?

“I don’t have to talk to them anymore?”

Killian brushes her hair back. “Unless you want to.”

“No, she can’t.” My answer is firm and definite. “They’re done. Out of the picture for good.”

“For real?” Her face betrays nothing.

She could cry and beg to talk to them for all I care. My reply still would be, “Yes, for real.”




Her scream pierces our ears. In the best kind of way. Unable to contain her excitement, she jumps into our warm bodies again. Killian recovers fast, gripping her hips, twists her to him, and lifts her in the air. Her bare thighs lock around Killian’s waist, her fingers clawing at his scruff.

I’m not jealous. He has her now. I’ll get her kinky little ass the next time.

We’ve got a lifetime of madness together.

“You’re happy?” I stroke her hair, and she turns her head to me.

“You made my fucking year.” She reaches out to me, and I bite her on her delicious fingers. This makes her smile widen. “Both of you. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Killian carries her to the island, lowering her there. “You won’t have to worry about being evicted ever again. The other apartments are also yours to do with what you please.”

“I’ll pay you back,” she promises us, her voice vehement. “For your trouble. How much?”

“No.” Killian’s no-nonsense voice means it’s fucking final.

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