Page 166 of Voltage

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My brain tunes out their conversation. Out of nowhere, I finally realize where I’ve seen these men. They were on TV.

On a show not too different from Law & Order in its essence.

The news.

And they sure weren’t the presenters.

“Holy shit,” I mumble. The realization hits so hard that I stumble and almost fall down.

Killian reacts in a flash. He slips his strong, hot arm between me and the bar. His hand presses possessively to my back. I feel his bicep flexing as he holds me in place.

His dark brown eyes narrow, assessing me. “You okay?”

“I…” Rather than being scared or upset, I’m excited. I’ve never been around criminals.

“What did you put in her drink?” Carter slams his hands on the bar beside me.

Though I can’t see him as I stare directly at Killian, I assume Carter is baring his teeth. About to climb over and rip out Jamey’s throat. My sexy beast.

“Nothing.” Jamey’s voice trembles. “I swear on my mother’s life. Nothing.”

“I’m okay.” My need to save Jamey’s throat wins over my oh-my-God moment. I put the empty glass on the bar, then grip Carter’s forearm. “I’m fine, except…”

“Let’s get her out of here,” Carter urges us. He’s one badass hotel owner. In another life, he would’ve made an amazing bodyguard.

“Miss Carmichael is overworked,” Killian talks over me, making excuses to Jamey. “We’ll escort her to where she can get some fresh air.”

Jamey stands there, speechless. I hope he hasn’t peed himself.

“If something happens to her, so help me, Jamey.” When I turn to Carter, I see him gripping Jamey’s collar with one hand, pressing his knife to his trembling throat. “I’m coming back for you. Trust me that your job won’t be the only thing you lose.”

“I’m fine,” I insist.

“Let’s go, Carter.” Killian starts walking us toward the exit.

Carter catches up to us, matching Killian’s long gait. We don’t talk on our way to the elevators. I don’t mind. What I do mind is the heavy, relentless feeling that we’re being watched.

Since Carter and Killian flank me from both sides, it’s not them. I twist my head back. The questionable members are deep in conversation with each other. No one’s paying attention to us.

Who’s watching us, then?

“You’ve been bad again, beautiful girl.” Killian mashes the elevator button and we wait for it to arrive. “Very bad.”


Any thoughts of stalkers fly right out of my brain. My depraved desires take over everything.

Punishments. Sexy, painful punishments. Please let it be hand necklaces. I love those.

“I have,” I breathe.

Carter moves closer to me. Threatening me without a single word or a touch.


The elevator doors slide open.

Carter steps in first, punching the button that’ll take us to the parking garage. He doesn’t bother covering his erection. There’s no hiding it even if he tried, despite the impressive size of his hands. His cock is bigger.

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