Page 151 of Voltage

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“I’m here.” I stroke myself, imagining both of them on their knees here. “Watching through the camera near the counter.”

Carter whispers what I said to Amara, and the two of them whip their heads to face me. The low light in Carnations isn’t much to go on, but it’ll do. I have every feature of these two ingrained inside my head, anyway. Every shadow, every curve and line. There to stay.

“Kinda figured out you’d go with that one.” Carter pushes down the strap of Amara’s dress. Eager as I am, he shoves the cup of her bra down, exposing her tit. “Almost like you’re here.”

“Oh, I’ll be with you,” I issue the threat that promises them both sex and violence. “Later, tonight. I’ll be every fucking where.”

“Killian.” Amara’s hair drapes down her back, her brown eyes twinkling in the dark.

She’s not being quiet, and I bet every sick fuck crossing the street can hear her. I can’t bring myself to care. So long as I hear her, I do not care.

“Tell us what you want us to do,” she begs. “Tell us so—”

Carter bends to her. His arm wraps around her back, arching her to him. He closes his mouth on her pierced nipple, the black strands of his hair grazing her chest.

The sucking and slurping sounds as she cries out go straight to my cock.

“Pull on her hair.” The last line is crossed. I take myself out in my office, jerking in slow movements. “Make it hurt.”

Carter tilts his head to the camera, shooting me a smirk before doing as I said. Amara cries out again, dragging Carter closer to her despite the pain. Because of the pain.

“Little masochist.” I’m breathing hard, feeling as though I’m right there with them. “Let’s see how much more she can take.”

Carter repeats my words against her tit. She glances at the camera, licking her swollen bottom lip. Amara gets to fuck with my head for the whole of a second before Carter bites her. The sharp pain has her screaming, turning her on so bad that her thighs start moving on the counter.

I wish it could be enough. Especially since I’m running out of time.

It isn’t.

“Shove her dress up. All the way up to her waist.” He’s barely done when I bark out, “Tell her to pull you out.”

He does both. I finally have a view of her sexy lace panties. Carter’s cock is out too, heavy in her little palm. They’re starved. So am I.

My thumb rubs over the drop of precum when a notification pops on my laptop screen. Perfect timing. Motherfucking perfect.

Before I roll my eyes, an idea forms in my head.

“My meeting is starting.” I give Carter a heads-up.

“Okay.” Carter’s probing hand stills up Amara’s thigh. “We’ll wait for you back home, then.”

“No.” My plan is something I wouldn’t have considered a month ago. Then again, I would’ve never imagined I’d be fucking my stepson and his girlfriend, either. “While I’ll talk to these assholes, I want you to listen carefully. Everything I say is an order to you and Amara.” I lower my voice. “Tell her two staff members have an argument and I have to settle this.”

“Kinky, I like it.”

Even at this angle, I can see Carter as he shoves his fingers into Amara’s pussy. Hear her sweet whimper, watch her hands going to his biceps as he repeats what I just said, give or take.

Amara giggles as I remove one of the wireless headphones. A sound I’d rather hear over my meeting any day of the week.

And it’s not like I’m in pain over here. The whole forbidden aspect isn’t something I expected to like, but I do.

“Evening, Macy. Riggs,” I start my meeting while Carter slides his tongue along Amara’s jawline.

“Why’s your screen black?” Riggs demands of me.

With my cock throbbing in my palm, I lift my eyes to look at Riggs.

He doesn’t see me. Doesn’t need to. The moment my gaze locks on his, he flinches. Macy senses my glare on them just the same. She tugs on her long, red ponytail nervously. Her brown eyes dart anywhere except the camera.

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