Page 127 of Voltage

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“You’d like that?” The creases on his forehead are no more. Carter tilts his head to me, raising an eyebrow. “Would that turn you on, pet? Me slitting someone’s throat for you?”

Yes. Very much so.

“Well, actually killing someone might be taking it too far.” Another lie. It wounds my soul to do it. Sadly, it’s my only choice.

The truth will make him think I’m sick. I couldn’t hide my excitement when he bashed Christopher’s head into the marble bar. The crack sounds. The trickle of blood down his forehead. Watching it ignited dark, decadent desires inside of me.

My pussy dripped for Killian and Carter like never before.

Their brutality is better than watching my flowers blooming. And that’s saying a lot.

Then again, who would want a girl who thinks gore is hot?

Maybe them? Maybe.

I’ll wait for the right time. Spring my crazy on them once we’re solid.

“You liked what we did to him,” Carter deadpans, pulling up into his parking space. “Don’t lie to me.”

He’s curious. Probing. If I’m not careful, he’ll suck the truth right out of me.

“I got wet,” I offer him a half-truth. “Can you blame a girl? You two went all possessive cavemen back there.”

He opens his mouth to, undoubtedly, resume his line of questioning.

I’m quicker than him.

“Are you really okay with the three of us together?” I know he is, but I have to change the subject.

“Yes.” His eyebrows scrunch, gray eyes studying me. “Fucking love it.”

Swiftly, I’m out of my seat and straddling his lap. “Tell me more.”

He groans when I shove my fingernails into his soft, black hair. I don’t grind my hips, simply resting there, feeling his cock straining between us. Thriving on his heated gaze.

Mission accomplished. The man’s distracted.

“The three of us, together.” Carter’s hands hover at my sides, and he drops them to his sides, cursing. “We have a future. In a twisted, fucked up way, we were meant to be. This is forever, Amara. To the grave and beyond it. For-fucking-ever.”

I squint my eyes. While I meant this to be a diversion, our conversation has turned out to be something I’ve been longing to hear. This is the sincerest Carter has been about his feelings.

“Turned on and satisfied.” He grips my jaw, bringing my mouth to his. “That’s how I like seeing you.”

His kiss is soft. Even his bite is gentle like he isn’t after my blood.

“Tonight.” Lifting me, he helps me back to my seat. He gets out, walks around the hood, and opens the passenger door for me, outstretching his arm which I quickly take. “Kill and I will have more of your satisfied moans. More of your pussy dripping on us.”

“Only if I get to have your cum on me.” I flash him a mischievous smile. “On my tits, on my face, on my—”

“Amara.” He pinches my bruised ass. I squeak, and he laughs. “You’re driving me fucking nuts.”

His laugh is contagious. Incredibly so. I squeal, taking off and sprinting toward the elevators.

His feet pound on the asphalt, chasing me.

How did I ever get so lucky?

One of my parents’ choice words to describe me was vulgar.

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