Page 117 of Voltage

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More. More. More.

I need more.

“You shouldn’t have.” Twisting my head, I gaze at them. “There was a knife at the bar. I could’ve stabbed him.”

Violence and brutality pour from their eyes. Sex, too.

And love. They so love me.

“I’m sure you would’ve.” Carter pinches my ass hard enough that I scream. “How’d you get here, though?”

“Uber,” I whisper, trying to say the word without twisting my lips.

Carter and Killian exchange a glance.

A moment later, two large hands strike each cheek of my ass. Hard enough that I scream and try to squirm away from them.

“Scream all you like.” One side of my ass is mauled, squeezed, and abused by Carter. “The office is soundproofed.”

I whimper, the sting of his abuse burning my ass.

Killian shrugs off his jacket and drops it on the floor. His eyes don’t leave mine when he rolls the sleeves of his shirt up his muscular forearms. Once done, he takes me from Carter so he can remove his jacket as well.

“We, on the other hand, will hear you.” Carter, my sadistic lover, winks. Pleased as fucking punch. “Every scream. Every cry for mercy. It’ll be ours. A payment for your little stunt today.”

“Unless,” Killian starts, his index finger trailing up and down my crack. “You tell us what happened. Give us the name of the person who hurt you. We’ll hurt them instead.”

How do they know? I gave Christopher attitude. Smiled at them. Did everything to hide the pain in my heart.

“We’ll hurt them good, A,” Carter drawls. “Maybe even worse than what Christopher got. Depends on how badly they wronged you.”

“You plan on doing to them what you’re doing to me now?” Jealousy bubbles inside me at the notion, eviscerating my doubts. They’re mine. “You’d fuck them?”

Carter’s hand connects to my wounded ass cheek. Smack.

“Hell, no.”

“Well, Amara?” Quirking an eyebrow, Killian nudges his finger to my tighter hole. “Names.”

The thought of the two of them leaving me or pitying me is infuriating. Plus, I really don’t feel like talking about my parents and losing my shop.

I need my men’s cruelty. Their rough touches. For the three of us to get lost in each other.

Anything else won’t do.

“No.” I pinch my lips. “No one’s hurt me.”

“Liar,” Carter says affectionately, lifting his palm and—

Smack. Smack. Smack.

“Leave my ass alone,” I squeal, wiggling. Fighting them for the sake of fighting.

Then the adrenaline gives me an advantage over both men and I’m being torn from their grip.

I make it two steps to my left when a large, muscular arm hooks around my middle. Dragging me back to them.

“You’re staying right here, beautiful girl.” Killian shoves my dress up again. His palm connects to my ass one, two, three times. “That’s for running. And for not answering us.”

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