Page 103 of Voltage

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“Sweetest Amara,” Carter growls, and goosebumps light up my skin. “Let’s take you to shower before we head out?”

“What about taking a day off?” I turn from Killian to him. “Please?”

Ever since the wedding arrangement orders started piling up—we’ve delivered over ten weddings, and as of today, have more than twenty scheduled for the coming months—I decided to take the weekends off.

Most of the walk-ins head straight into Georgia’s pink, inviting shop anyway. Whatever. I don’t need walk-ins when I earn enough to have a decent life. Having a ton of money like my parents never interested me. Simple, happy life is what I crave. I can afford it now.

Carter and Killian must be able to do the same every once in a while. Like…today.

“I’m sorry, A. Wish we could.” His hand cups my cheek. From behind me, Killian closes in on us. His warm hand trailing circles on my waist. On Carter’s. “We need to be there. Set an example.”

“Yeah, I know.” My pout is unattractive. My pout is all I have. I don’t want any of us to leave this bed ever again. Definitely not so soon. “Maybe this one day? Just one?”

“You’ll have us later.” Killian runs his fingers through my matted hair. “Tonight.”

My breath catches in my throat.

“That’s him saying we’re in a relationship.” Carter hears my silent question, tipping my chin up to him. “The three of us. Together-together.”

“Don’t fuck with me,” I shriek, switching my gaze back and forth between the two men. “That easy?”

“I wish I could’ve given you easy, pet.” Carter rubs my belly. “Until we figure out what to say. How Killian hasn’t been grooming me to be his permanent fuck hole—”

“Always so vulgar,” Killian’s scold-mocks.

“I have your cum leaking out of my ass. I get a free pass to do anything.” Carter wags his eyebrows playfully. “Anyway, we have to lay low. For a little while longer.”

Carter and I have been laying low for half a year now. I understand why he’s like that in the hotel.

I’m a teeny tiny frustrated already. Especially when I have no idea how much longer this laying low is going to last.

I’m ready to fight my parents for this. They won’t accept us, and fuck them. I’m willing to cut ties with them once and for all to be with Carter and Killian. No one has a say in my life.

But…sigh. I’m also aware of how different their situation is. The rumors about this unconventional relationship. The possible damage to their reputation.

By people who don’t know us.

They need to make it seem genuine and organic. It makes sense.

I hate fucking waiting. “I get it. I’ll wait.”

“We don’t even know for sure that our dynamic will work out,” Killian, the voice of annoying logic, says. “There’s a time and place for everything.”

“We’ll make it work.” I cross my arms over my chest. At first, all I had for Killian was attraction. But the more I see of him, the more he talks and touches me, the more I want him. The surer I am of our bond, the three of us. “I’m not letting go.”

“She’s right. Our stubborn little thing. I’m not either.” To appease me, Carter presses a kiss to my wounded temple. “As much as it pains me to admit it, Killian’s right.”

“Brat.” Killian sighs at my side.

“We’ll take it one day at a time.” Carter pauses; his smile demonic. “We’ll be together more than before, though. I’ll stalk either of you to the ends of the world if you try to run. Or worse.”

“For some reason, I believe you.” There’s a hint of amusement in Killian’s voice before he reverts to being all business-like. “Amara, Carter and I talked while you were sleeping.”

“You have?” I shriek. “Oh, I’m too happy. Too fucking happy. You needed this time alone. Talk about feelings and stuff. Right? That’s what you talked about?”

Carter, already familiar with my excited screeching, chuckles.

Killian’s eyes widen. His surprise is momentary, though, because soon after, a slow, mini smile creeps on his lips. “Yes. We have. I brought up another thing. A hard limit. First, I want you to tell me yours.”

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