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Before I even register what’s happening, he leans down and drops his lips to mine. It’s a soft kiss, sweet and tender and appropriate on the dance floor, where members of his family are dancing nearby.

He pulls back, and my chest tightens as I see the certainty there in his eyes.

He wants this.

I want this.

I sort of want to go find a room in which to do this.


Chapter 29: Spencer Nash

My Brothers Enjoy Seeing Me Suffer

Four Days After the Wedding

When I see the same look reflected back at me, I know I can’t waste another second without feeling her from the inside.

There’s just one problem.

I don’t have any condoms with me.

I didn’t exactly pack them for this trip. I’m less of a one-night stand sort of guy than, say, Asher might be, and I wasn’t expecting the girl I’ve fallen for to show up, propose marriage, and actually want to have sex.

But I know that look in her eye, and she wants it. I want it.

Now we just have to figure out the logistics.

And by logistics, I mean a private space and a condom. That’s literally all I need right now. It’s all I can think about right now.

My mind is a haze of lust, and so after I give into temptation and kiss her right in the middle of the dance floor, I grab her hand and lead her over toward the bar.

I don’t say a word. I don’t have to.

We each grab another drink, and then I spot Asher.

If I had to wager a guess, Lincoln likely doesn’t use condoms with his wife—an assumption supported by the fact that they have a kid.

Gray might have some to spare upstairs, but since it’s his wedding day, I can’t exactly run up to the groom and ask to borrow a condom.

Asher might be my best bet. He’s probably got a stash in his pocket, and while I could run out to a store somewhere…I’m not sure I can take another second of waiting.

“Be right back,” I say low into her ear, and she nods as she turns to coo over Jolene’s baby. I glance at her for just a beat, freezing in my tracks as I see Jolene hand the baby over to her.

Does Grace want kids?

I told my ex I wanted to wait until the end of my contract before I made decisions about kids.

But as I see my wife holding a baby…

I feel a shift in my priorities.

What the fuck?

I beeline for my brother, and I catch him just as he’s turning from a conversation with my dad.

“Hey, do you have a condom?” I whisper so only he can hear me.

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