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“Get them there.”

“I’ll see what I can do. It’s a new connection, and I hate to pull strings when I just met somebody, but…”

“But this was a big enough screw up to warrant it?” she guesses.

“Yeah,” I mutter.

“Look, my sweet boy. I know it’s hard right now, but someday down the road, you’ll all look back on this and laugh,” she says.

“God, I hope so.” I just can’t imagine a day when any of this will be funny…especially not if the marriage is only going to last a year.

Jesus. I really fucked things up.

I draw in a deep breath. I need to get this done while Grace is in the shower, so I call my new friend and hope for the best.

“Spencer?” he answers.

“Hey, Adam. I hope you don’t mind me calling you with a favor after we just met.”

He laughs. “As long as there’s a pair of tickets to a game in it for me, you know I’m down.”

“I think we can make that happen.”

“Sweet. So what’s the favor?”

“I, uh…it’s a long story, but I sort of got married last night. We were blasted out of our minds. We’re in Vegas for my brother’s bachelor party week, culminating with the wedding on Saturday, and my bride and I, uh…we stole the bride and groom’s wedding attire, and now we need to make it up to them.”

“And you’re wondering if MFB happens to be free to perform a song or two at the reception?” he guesses, finishing my thoughts for me.

“I was thinking maybe like four or five songs, but if you’re down for one or two…”

He chuckles. “It’s a lot to coordinate, to be honest. Especially last minute. But we’ll be in Vegas for an event Saturday night, so we might be able to time it right. I’ll check with Dax and the guys and see if we can swing it.”

Holy shit.

I never thought I’d even ask for something like this…let alone actually get it. “Are you sure? Because if you can make it happen, I’d owe you a huge one.”

“Like I said, man. Tickets to a game, and we’re square. Honestly…I was actually where you are now once upon a time.”

“You were?” I ask.

“Yeah. Waking up married was a shock, but now I’m waking up every day next to her.” Waking up every day next to her. Before I can process what that would be like, he says, “We’ll probably need six tickets so we can all go. Twelve would be ideal so we could each bring our girls.”

There are only five members of My Favorite Band, better known as MFB, but I’m guessing the sixth ticket is for the former member who left years ago but is still tight with his former band.

I laugh. “You got it. I’ll get you all tickets to every damn home game if you can make this work.”

“I’ll hold you to that. I’ll get back to you.”

I thank him, and we end the call.

Well, hopefully that’s one way to make up for my horrible lack of judgment.

Bachelor party week is still in full swing, and according to the itinerary Ava printed out for guests, today we’re having another pool party followed by dinner later tonight.

When Grace comes out of the bathroom, I can’t help but stare at this woman who somehow overnight went from my ex-girlfriend’s sister to my wife.

I always just saw her as a friend. I never noticed the way she always smells like vanilla or how she has this quiet beauty about her. Or maybe I noticed, but I didn’t allow myself to acknowledge it. I couldn’t—not when I was with her sister.

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