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It was the relationship part. The hand holding. The little gazes across the room. The Tootsie Roll moment.

I slump back, relaxing on the couch cushions for a few beats as I let myself feel the warm afterglow of ejaculation. I draw in a few deep, calming breaths in those moments.

It doesn’t last long. I want to see her again. I want to kiss her again.

I want to fuck her again.

I finally tuck my cock back into my jeans then head over to the bathroom to wash all the come off my hands.

I grab more gin, bypassing the glass this time and going right for the bottle.

And then I find myself haphazardly throwing all my shit into my suitcase as I wonder what the fuck I’m doing.

I can’t go there tonight. Not like this. Not when I’m angry and confused and halfway to drunk.

Ellie said we should be living together.

It would only make sense for me to stay at her house until my house is ready.

Can I really do that, though? I already find myself falling for her. Spending more time with her, sleeping in the same bed as her…it’s a recipe for disaster.

And she’s the chef.

Chapter 36: Ava Maxwell

Am I Still Your Fake Girlfriend

“I’m so sorry, Ava,” Kelly says quietly. “But I had to show you as soon as I saw.”

I close my eyes and suck in a breath. This could go one of two ways here.

Either A, I could get pissed off and fall into the whole miscommunication trap, or B, I could give him a chance to explain since there might be an explanation…not that he owes me one.

Because we’re not really dating, right?

Except I’m totally there, and I’ve been in love with him since I was a teenager, and I think he’s feeling it too, but I’m probably wrong. Either way…I’m not missing my chance.

I opt for B. I’m not a real confrontational person, but he’s the one who agreed to the fake relationship thing, and getting photographed hugging another woman definitely contradicts our whole story.

And Tito’s. Three shots of Tito’s plus some Tito’s and Sprite, and here we are—with enough liquid courage to make the call.

Interestingly, however, I retreat to my bedroom for privacy for this call. It’s not like when I broke up with Colin while Kelly was sitting beside me. For some reason, I want to call Grayson alone.

“Hey,” he answers, and I can’t quite read how he sounds from his tone. I was half-expecting some joke about how I must not be able to get enough of him if I’m calling already, which is also true, but he sounds…subdued?

“Hey. Kelly saw some pics of you hugging some woman in the Palms casino an hour ago, and there was a whole caption about how you spent the day with your girlfriend at the Vegas Heat game. So, I guess I just called to ask…am I still your fake girlfriend or what?”

He’s silent on the other end.

“Well?” I push.

“Yeah. A friend from LA came to see me, and I told her I’m in a relationship. Okay?” Now he doesn’t sound as subdued. He sounds…angry. At me?

“Okay,” I say, definitely more meekly than my first question was asked.

He blows out a loud, harsh breath. “I shouldn’t have hugged her. She kind of clung to me, and I had to let her down gently that it wasn’t going to happen.”

“Did you want to?” I ask. No way in hell would I be asking that question if I wasn’t slightly drunk.

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