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“The sex?” she asks.

“Well, yeah. But not just the sex. It’s everything about you. You weren’t sure how to tell me you wanted it faster, but when you asked for it, it was so goddamn hot.”

“Oh,” she says, and she ducks her head a little.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Ava. I’ll never know if you don’t tell me.”

“Okay. Well, then, on that note…I liked it when you were being all demanding and making me tell you that you own me. It was so, like, aggressive and cocky and erotic and hot at the same time.”

“You liked that?” I ask.

She nods slowly and hides behind taking another sip, and I’m not sure what it is about her—maybe the easily corruptible innocence—but Christ, I’m already in deep.

“You tell me when it’s too much, okay?” I request, and she nods.

I have no doubt that she will. She says what’s on her mind, and that’s one of the very things I’ve fallen for. And the more we’re together like this, the more we experience together, the more we’ll find what works for us. The more we’ll fall into an easy pattern together.

The more we’ll fall.

I chug what’s left in my glass for liquid courage, and then I set it down on the table. I take hers and set it down, too, and then I pull her into my arms.

She leans her head on my chest as we look out the window together at the magic of the lights illuminating the Strip.

I draw in a deep breath. The words are on the tip of my tongue.

“This is nice,” she says with a soft sigh.

It is nice. It’s incredible, if I’m being honest, and it’s what I want going forward. I want to close on my new house, and I want her to be there when I get home. I want to stand near our patio doors overlooking the Strip much further away in the distance as I hold her in my arms. I want her in the stands wearing number twenty-four as she cheers our team to victory.

I want a life with her, and it’s confusing as fuck because I’ve never felt like this before.

But just like I told her…I’ll never know if you don’t tell me. It works in reverse, too. She’ll never know if I don’t tell her.

And so, before I lose my nerve, I shift us so I’m looking down at her and she’s looking up at me.

“You okay?” she asks, her brows pushing together with concern.

“I think I’m in love with you.” I blurt the words before I can stop them.

A soft gasp of surprise escapes her, and she stares at me, her eyes searching mine. She doesn’t say anything, and now I feel stupid for telling her, for scaring her, for…whatever this is.

But then she touches my jaw with her fingertips, and she rises up to her tiptoes. She presses her lips to mine. She breaks apart from me and lands back on her heels, and then she says, “I think I’ve been in love with you for half my life.”

My eyes soften as I stare down at her, and then my lips fall to hers. We kiss there in front of the window, two souls who were maybe meant to run into each other that night at the Gridiron here in Vegas despite having first met in New York all those years ago.

I’m lost in the moment, lost in her, lost in everything about this day. It’s the first time since we ran into each other that she took an entire day off to spend it with me, and it feels like somehow saying those words is the perfect endcap to this day.

Eventually, I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom, where we fall into bed. We’re kissing again—or making out, really, with me hovering over the top of her—and I have the sudden need to make love to her. I have this primal, carnal urge to be inside her with nothing between us.

The monster down below is locked and loaded.

I pull back and murmur my question. “Are you on birth control?”

She shakes her head. “No. I, uh…never really had any need to be.”

I nod as the words from earlier hit me over the head again. I own that pussy. It’s mine.

And I’m going to claim it again.

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