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I blinked in shock.

The jet bubbles burst around us as I took in what he had just suggested. A move to Idaho? As much as I may have wanted to explore that option, I didn’t know if I could afford to make a move right now. And my business – would Jade and I be able to work something out? My mind was a flurry of thoughts. My stomach sank. I just couldn’t. Not now, not with everything that I had to do. Did any of this make sense?

“Wow, Mav, I don’t think I can simply up and move to Idaho. I don’t think a move is possible right now,” I said.

I wanted to do everything in my power to make it sound like it was simply out of my hands. Partially because it was and partially because I wasn’t sure of what he really wanted. Did he just want to date me? Was there more to it than that? But not being able to be closer to him was quietly killing me. Why did I have to feel so strongly about someone who lived so far away from me?

“You could move to Lantana?” I offered.

Maverick shook his head, and I could tell from the way he couldn’t meet my eyes that he was not happy about this situation—maybe even sad.

“Mav,” I hesitated. “What’s going on here? Are you thinking we can … date… or what?”

Mav jumped up out of the hot tub and started to pace.

“Maria, there is something about you,” he started. “You are the kind of woman I would have never been interested in but being together this week – you’ve done something no other woman has ever done. You’ve brought me out of my well-constructed, ordered life. You got me to ride on those silly rides. You got me to dance at the party. Your quirkiness has made me laugh.”

Just then, Mav’s phone went off. He answered and stepped back into the house.

His phone call seemed to be taking some time, so I stepped out of the hot tub and went inside to clean off and change into some clothes. When I came back upstairs, he was back on the patio. I walked out to him.

“Is everything ok?” I asked him.

He sighed.

“That was Luke on the phone. My boss. He needs me back as soon as possible. Is there any way you can find another ride to the airport in the morning? I know I promised to take you, but I’ve got to leave right now.”

“I’ll check with Stacey. But don’t you worry. If you have to get back to Waterfront, then you need to go,” I replied though my heart was shouting NO. “What happened, Mav?”

“One of Luke’s brothers is a firefighter, and he was caught in a sudden gust of fire and smoke or something like that. Luke’s mom and dad didn’t know how serious his injuries were, but they were headed to the hospital and would let him know once they knew anything more. Luke and his brothers are very close, so he’s already made plans to fly out if he has to. The problem is we have a large crowd coming in tomorrow and Luke and David, another guy we hired not too long ago, were going to be pretty busy as it was with me not around. But now, he can’t take the chance of having to leave with David there all by himself.”

“I’m so sorry, Mav, but I understand. Go! Go get your things around, and I’ll give Stacey a call.”

Mav went to his room, and I called Stacey. She agreed to pick me up in the morning and take me to the airport for my flight.

Mav soon came out with his bags and headed to his truck. I followed along behind him.

Once he had everything in his truck, he turned to me. “I’m sorry I have to leave so suddenly. There was more I wanted to talk to you about, but I guess we’ll have to do that over the phone – for a while at least.”

“I guess so,” I replied, not really knowing what to say.

He gave me a hug and a kiss, then climbed up into his truck.

“Mav,” I said. “Let me know when you’ve arrived home. I want to know that you’re safe.”

He gave me a thumbs-up and drove away.


Later that evening, I dozed off while reading my book. My phone rang and, half asleep, I answered. It was Mav letting me know that he was safely back at the lodge. “I can tell that you’ve been sleeping, so I’ll make this short,” he said. “I miss you already. And please have a safe flight back to Texas and let me know when you arrive home.”

“Will do, Mav,” I responded, and we both ended the call.


I arrived safely back in Lantana, and for the next few weeks, Mav and I would talk on the phone when we were both available. He might be busy with the lodge business, or I might be busy with the store and working on my online business. Jade had hired another couple of people, so my time spent at the store was less now, and I was free to do more creating.

Still, my heart ached for him to physically be in the same room.

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