Page 79 of Steamy Ever After

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“That was before she met Zeus.”

I chuckle as we move closer to the door. “His name is Zach.”

Will winks at a girl that goes in ahead of us. “Zeus, Zach. Potato, potahto.”

Nearly all of Gaby’s recent posts online have been about this Zach guy, her new boyfriend—a human version of a Greek God—and I know how little her overprotective brother approves.

“The point is,” Will continues. “She’s too busy with him to notice what’s happening over here.” He nudges me with his shoulder. “Just do it. Trust me, you’ll both feel better.”

The bouncer nods as we walk through the doors that open into a dark, hazy space with flashing purple and white lights that instantly give me a headache. Dense with bodies and thick with deep base rhythm, the place feels crowded. I had been looking forward to tonight—to trying out a new place and meeting someone sexy. But now, as we cut through the crowd of gorgeous people, all I want to do is go home and confirm whether Will is completely nuts or if his theory is worthy of testing.



“Hey, Janey! There’s a John Hughes marathon on TV.” Joe’s voice echoes down the hall from the living room to my bedroom, surprising me. “Want to join?”

Since our awkward evening a few nights ago, he’s been much nicer and more respectful, and as much as I’d like to blame it on a sudden shift in his personality, I’m sure it’s because of what he more than likely overheard and—cringe—saw on my bed.

I haven’t been able to make eye contact with him and have been avoiding him like a dentist appointment. Just like tonight, hiding in my room, scrolling through endless TikToks of cute pets acting funny.

John Hughes films are my favorite, though so I wouldn’t mind vegging in front of a movie marathon, but watching one with Joe would make things even more awkward.

However, since I’m too much of a cheapskate to have bought a TV for my room…

“Is Pretty in Pink playing?” I shout back.

A few silent seconds go by. “Yeah, after The Breakfast Club. In like fifteen minutes.”

I’m probably safer hiding in my room and ignoring him, but the lure of Duckie resisting his crush on Andie is too strong and so, with a resigned sigh, I roll off my bed.

On my way out of the room, I catch myself checking my reflection, then grimace. Why the hell should I care how I look?

For once, Joe is sitting in the chair and not on my couch. His legs are propped on the coffee table, but when I walk in, he moves them off.

“She’s alive!” He laughs, then scrutinizes me with his bedroom eyes, but I notice they’re filled with kindness, not with torment.

Still, I refuse to let him lure me in to whatever mind game he’s playing. “What, not hogging the couch tonight?”

“Nope. All yours, darling.” He winks, only this time it doesn’t make my skin crawl and instead sends butterflies skittering around my stomach.

Pleased to have my super cushy couch all to myself, my shoulders relax as I sink into it and stretch my legs.

The doorbell rings. Joe peels himself out of the chair with a grunt that somehow makes my ears perk up.

“Hot date?” I ask.

He’s dressed in sweats, not his usual jeans and tight tee, so I doubt he’s having company over, but still, I feel a twinge of something strange in my gut.

“Nah, I ordered food.” He passes in front of me and my eyes follow him to the door.

He really has a great ass—round, muscular. It looks firm, too. And it’s perched on top of some seriously mean-looking thighs. Thighs that could easily support someone’s weight…

I catch myself and blink a few times, focusing instead on Bender marching across the football field as ‘Don’t you forget about me’ plays and the credits roll.

“Great scene,” Joe says behind me, announcing his return.

The scent of shrimp and garlic hits my nose, and I stifle a moan. “That smells awesome.”

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