Page 354 of Steamy Ever After

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I need more of that friction. His razor-like teeth grip my lower lip, biting down until I gasp with a pinch of pain.

“I told you, I’m not gentle, city girl. You’ll have marks before we’re done. You’ve been warned,” he growls.

No shit, I’ve been warned.

I want more of this and release one hand from his neck. Shaking my arm, I manage to yank it out of the sleeve of the heavy coat. Drake sees what I’m doing and helps me with the other arm. The coat falls to the floor, where it lands gently on the straw-covered floor of the barn.

I push the collar of Drake’s jacket back, exposing his shoulders. Together, we manage to get first one arm and then his other free. His jacket joins mine.

His mouth glides against mine, his tongue lashing, furious and determined. I crack open my lids and peek at the pinch of his dark brows. His expression tightens with the urgency of his need, and while he cups my face, he drives me to combustion.

Then his words sink in.

Heart racing, I pause. Is this what I want? A one-night stand with a stranger?

My nerves riot, sparking with warring desire. My palm drifts to his chest, crushed between the press of our bodies. The hard terrace of his muscles vibrates beneath my fingers. A fever spreads through me, the need to feel all of him goes to battle against my rational mind, which tells me to stomp on the brakes.

He pulls back, his strong arms holding me firmly in place. Only the fabric of our clothes separates us from a more carnal union. What terrifies me most is how much my body aches to make that happen.

The rumble of a truck sounds outside; something big and heavy, with a rattling of chains.

“Damn.” Drake pulls away with a growl. “Henry’s early.” A smile curves his lips, “City girl, you know how to make a man ache in the best possible way.”

He lifts me off his hips and places me on the ground, holding me steady until I find my balance. His head cants to the side, studying me. “You’re nothing like what I expected.”

“What did you expect?”

“Cold and frigid came to mind when we met. You were a bit prickly.”

“Prickly?” I take a step back. “Did you just call me frigid?”

Drake’s hand whips forward, grabbing my wrist. He pulls me back into his arms. “That mind of yours thinks too much. You asked me a question, and I answered honestly, but you didn’t let me finish.”

“You said I was frigid and prickly.”

“I sure did, but I wasn’t the only one interested in taking that kiss a whole lot further. For the record, I’m assuming you weren’t at your best last night. Freezing, facing down a pack of wolves, and hiking all that way in sneakers…” He tilts my chin, forcing me to face him. “My first impression changed the moment you followed me. You were totally out of your element, but you never once complained. Most women would’ve bitched about how difficult that hike was, but you didn’t. That’s when I knew…”


Drake’s low, husky laugh makes it impossible to stay angry. Not that I am. The heat of our kiss still lingers between us. My entire body wants more. It’s too late to pretend I didn’t want a whole lot more to happen after that kiss.

Drake’s words swirl in my mind.

Frigid is a word Scott used. Generally, it was followed by a lesson delivered beneath a torrent of his fists.

“Knew, what?” My entire body shakes, waiting for Drake to respond.

“I decided you were the kind of woman I needed to get to know better. It’s why I told Bert to have Henry come today instead of last night.”

“Wait. Henry could have come last night? I didn’t have to stay the night?”

“If Henry had come, he would’ve taken you away from me. I wasn’t ready for that to happen. At least, not until I had a chance to see what you were really like.”

“We didn’t exactly spend a lot of time together. You put me to bed after finishing that stew. If you wanted to get to know me better…”

“Luv, you were exhausted. After that whiskey got into your system, your lids kept bouncing closed.” The corner of his mouth ticks up in a grin. “Can I say sleeping in the same room with you was torture? I went to bed hard and woke up hard. You, my dear,” he taps the tip of my nose, “are achingly beautiful. You’re tough as nails, and I find that sexy as shit.”

“I can’t believe you did that.” I put my hands on my hips. “You lied to me.”

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