Page 350 of Steamy Ever After

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I follow him in companionable silence, broken only by the crunching of snow beneath our feet. At the barn, he unlatches the massive doors, then puts his back into sliding them on their rails until a narrow gap appears. He holds the doors open with the brace of his arm.

As I pass beneath his arm, the heat of his breath sears my skin and makes me shiver. My breath flees me as I pry my gaze from his hooded eyes to take in the dimly lit interior of the barn.

Musk, a deep, animal smell, fills the air. The pungent aroma of dirt, hay, and what must be llamas assaults my nostrils. An odd, low hum vibrates in the air. I feel it more than hear it. It’s practically subsonic. I cast my gaze left and right until I realize the sound is coming from a pen to my left.

“What is that?” I ask.

Drake chuckles. “Llamas humming.”

“That noise is from them?”

“If you like their humming, you should hear the males orgle.” Mischief sparks in his voice.

“Did you just make up that word?” I arch my brow, thinking he’s pulling the wool over my eyes.


When he laughs, his dark hair falls forward again. He reaches up, pushing the hair off his face, and draws my attention back to the scar.

“I hate to ask, but what’s an orgle?”

I’m going to regret asking, but how can I not? Orgle is no word I’ve ever heard of before. I swear Drake’s making it up.

“Llamas hum when they’re happy. The males have a unique alarm call when they perceive danger, but when they breed, they orgle.”


“Yes.” His low chuckle shouldn’t be as sexy as it is, but heat fills my cheeks and butterflies flutter in my stomach.


“Yes, but it’s not breeding season, just the humming for right now.” His eyes crinkle at the corners. “I bet you’re dying to hear a llama orgle now, aren’t you?”

He steps close, towering over me, causing a tingle to spark in my chest and an ache to build lower down. My entire body is painfully aware of his overwhelming presence.

The timbre of his voice is both smooth and hypnotic, drugging even, because I find myself tipping my head back and closing my eyes as he leans down.

His breath disturbs the air above my cheek, and I hold still, paralyzed by what might happen next.

“What are you doing to me, city girl?” He touches a knuckle to my chin. His voice grows tight, hoarse, and needy.

“I’m not…” But my heart lifts at this unexpected turn of events.

He’s close. Closer than he’s ever been, crowding my space as the heat of his breaths fan across my face. His rich, deep scent fills my senses.

It’s carnal and raw.

Seductive and exotic.

It’s unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

“Shh.” He brushes a finger over the fullness of my lips.

My eyes widen, and my lips part in breathless anticipation. Drake backs me up against the barn wall. My shoulders touch the rough pine siding as he cages me in.

I stare into the brutal, mesmerizing beauty of his face as the pad of his thumb brushes across the seam of my lips. I must be out of my mind because my lips part.

He bends over me, torso tight, muscles vibrating with need. I stare into the arresting imperfection of his face and dive into the dark pools of desire swimming in his eyes.

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