Page 299 of Steamy Ever After

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“I know, honey, but I’m fine, and so is our little miss.”

“How do you know the baby is a girl?

“Mother’s intuition.”

“Can I feel?”

Peyton moved the blanket aside and raised her pajama top. Her tummy was only slightly protruded, but soon, it would begin expanding. With Jamison, she hadn’t started showing until she hit the five-month mark. With Finn, it seemed her stomach had started to grow as soon as she realized she was pregnant.

Jamison’s hands were cold, and Peyton giggled when he rested them against her. He leaned over and kissed her tummy.

“Good morning, baby sister,” he whispered.

Peyton’s eyes filled with tears, in part because her child was so sweet and also because the emotional roller coaster she was on brought giggles and tears together so often.

“What’s her name?”

“Hmm. I’m not sure yet. Do you have any ideas?”

“You should ask Brodie what he thinks.”

Peyton didn’t respond. There was no need to drag Jamison into the turmoil she felt whenever she thought about Brodie.

“What do you want for breakfast? Eggs, like every other day?” He smirked.

“No, I think I’ll mix it up today. How about yogurt?” Peyton requested.

“You need to eat more than yogurt, Mom,” Jamie said in a tone that sounded familiar.

“From Grandma’s mouth to yours.”

“It’s my day. I’m responsible for you.”

“Yes, Jamie. Tell you what. I’m so hungry this morning; I’ll eat whatever you bring me. You decide what you think will be the best breakfast for me and your baby sister.”

He shot off the bed and ran downstairs. Lord knew what he’d make for her.

“Knock, knock.” Alex tapped on the bedroom door.

“Come in. You’re here early.”

“I’m opening Stave today. I think we should, especially with the festival next weekend.”

“Oh, okay. That’s good. I, uh?—”

“I’m only opening on the weekend for now. Friday through Sunday. Sam and Addy are excited for the hours. I was worried they’d both find other jobs, but so far, they’re waiting it out.”

The news of Brodie’s rescue had likely spread throughout San Luis Obispo County. It was right to open Stave and give people a place to celebrate.

“I talked to Maddox last night,” Alex told her.

“Are you on again?”

“Maybe. I’m not sure yet.”

“Does he know about the baby?” Peyton asked.


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