Page 270 of Steamy Ever After

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“I’m okay Thank you for coming out to get Finn, and helping us.” She glanced at Brodie holding her son. “I don’t know what we would’ve done if you hadn’t been out there. Thank you, Brodie.”

“It’s what family does, right, Naught?”

“That’s right.”

Peyton faced forward when her eyes filled with tears.

Naughton maneuvered the truck over the terrain, doing his best to minimize jarring bumps. Peyton turned in her seat and watched as Brodie absorbed what Naughton couldn’t avoid, keeping Finn as still as he could. The ten minutes it took to get to the landing pad felt so much longer. However, if Brodie hadn’t been out riding, Peyton couldn’t fathom how they would’ve transported Finn to the hospital.

Naughton got out of the truck and climbed into the helicopter. Brodie eased Finn onto a small stretcher and his brother fastened a harness around her boy, being as gentle as he could.

Brodie leaned forward, reached for the strap, and brought it over her head. His forehead briefly rested against hers. “You okay?”

“I will be. Again, I can’t thank you enough, Brodie.”

His lips brushed against hers for an instant and shut her in.


“How’s he doing?” Brodie asked when Peyton returned to the waiting room.

“They’re taking him into surgery in a few minutes.” She took a deep breath. “He asked to see you first.”

“Oh, uh, is that okay with you?” Brodie wasn’t sure how to navigate this situation. Was it a good thing Finn wanted to see him, or was Peyton unhappy about it? He couldn’t tell.

“Of course it’s okay.” She smiled at him like his ma would’ve.

“Okay, so, where is he?”

“I’ll show you.”

“I’ll hang out here and let your mom know what’s goin’ on when she arrives,” Naughton offered.

Peyton walked over to his brother standing near the window with his hands in his pockets, watching her as she rested her hand on Naughton’s arm, reached up, and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you, Naughton,” he heard her say. Then she motioned for Brodie to follow her. “Finn’s this way.”

When they approached the emergency-room bay, a nurse was talking to Finn.

“I’ll get the doctor,” she said to Peyton. “He wants to talk to you before we take your son into surgery. Better yet, if you come with me, I have some forms for you to fill out.”

Peyton looked at Brodie.

“Go. We’ll be okay. Won’t we, Finn?”

Finn said they would, and Peyton blew him a kiss, which he pretended to catch in his palm.

“Tell me the truth,” he said to Finn once Peyton was out of earshot. “How are you really doin’? I know you’re being brave for your mama.”

“It doesn’t hurt as bad anymore. They put something in this thing.” Finn pointed to his IV.

“Oh, gotcha. Yeah, you’re probably feelin’ pretty good right about now.”

Finn smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “She’s gonna be super worried the whole time. Will you stay with her?”

“Of course.” Brodie saw the concern in Peyton’s son’s eyes. “Look at me, Finn.”

He turned his head.

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