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Grant fluttered his eyelashes as Kyle stared expectantly at him. “Are you serious?”

“Too much?”

“Have you ever actually succeeded in destroying someone before?”

Kyle’s lips tugged into a frown. “Well, I’m certain you have more experience than I do but–”

“The point is to be subtle and swift. You don’t…sink his tour boats. This isn’t Battleship, Kyle.” Grant rubbed his chin as he considered the options.

“Okay, well, I mean…it was just a thought. How about…now just…let this sink in for a minute. We drop him in another country with no passport and no money.”

“He could just call Julia for help. And tell her we did it.”

“Right. Right, not good. Although, we probably shouldn’t let him know it’s us.”

Grant stared at his son. “How did you possibly cause as much trouble as you did for me with ideas this ridiculous?”

“It’s because my ideas were ridiculous that they worked, Dad. That’s obvious. It didn’t take much.”

“But you didn’t win.”

Kyle puckered his lips, narrowing his eyes. “By my calculations, you haven’t either. So, in a way, I have.”

“Okay, you’re just making me mad now, and we’re going to get into an argument.”

“Fine, you’re right. We should stick to the task at hand. Luke. Destroying Luke. I’m just pointing out that it’s been almost two years since I’ve been here and the ripples from that stone I threw a while ago are still–”

“Stop, please stop talking.”

“Just showcasing the skills I’m bringing to the table,” Kyle answered with a shrug. “But like I said, you’re obviously way more experienced given that you’ve basically clawed your way to the top leaving a wake of bodies behind you.”

“I have not left a wake of bodies behind me. I have made some…shrewd–”

“Illegal,” Kyle said.

“Judicious business moves that have allowed me to build an empire, but I have hardly walked on people to do it.”

“Whatever. Define it however you want. You’re more practiced at destroying people than I am. Although I’ve done fairly well so far, I’d say.” He leapt from his seat, tossing his paper on the desk, and paced the floor. “What about if we…”

“Please don’t say something stupid again.”

Kyle stopped, his jaw clenched as he shot Grant a narrow-eyed glance. “This is how I vet ideas, okay? This is how I work. It’s how I came up with the plan to destroy you.”

“What did you start with? Slashing my tires?”

Kyle gave him another unimpressed glance. “No, but if I knew how many cars you had, I may have considered it.”

“How did you come up with your little scheme to ruin me?” Grant asked.

Kyle slid into his seat again. “Well, actually, I was vetting plans in much the same way as I am now when that press conference came on. The one with you and Julia.”

Grant recalled the moment shortly after their marriage when she’d stood beside him as he fought a murder charge.

“And it was immediately clear to me that Julia was an incredible woman.”

Grant couldn’t argue with that. The way she’d backed that reporter down and shown him more support than any woman he’d ever been involved with still impressed him.

“And I thought…if I could take that woman away from him, he’d crumble. Well, at the time I thought you actually cared about her.”

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