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“Oh, my apologies, Dr. Harrington.”

“It’s Carter.”

Alex furrowed his brow as they awaited the first course.

“Kyle didn’t grow up here,” Sierra explained from his side. “He was adopted. He only showed up a little over a year ago.”

Grant shifted his gaze to the woman next to Alex. “So, how long have you and Alex been married?”

“Since right after college,” Ava answered.

“Oh, wow, so you’re coming up on a milestone anniversary soon.”

“Nearly two decades,” she said with a bob of her head as Worthington entered the room. He took a post next to Grant, indicating he had a question.

Grant leaned sideways, and the man whispered in his ear. “Are we to wait for Ms. Lydia and her guest or proceed?”

“Guest?” Grant asked. He eyed the two empty chairs at the table next to Sierra.

“Yes, sir. Ms. Lydia informed me that she planned to attend dinner and would be bringing a guest.”

“Ah, no, let’s not wait for her. Let’s proceed.”

“Yes, sir,” Worthington said with a bob of his head before he strode from the room.

Grant leaned closer to Julia, his stomach rolling. “Did Lydia say anything to you about a guest?”

She shook her head. “No, nothing.”

He swallowed hard, wondering if this was tied to her surprise. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like her inviting people to the house. He tried to keep his nerves in check as they threatened to unravel. His fingers curled into a fist, catching the white linen tablecloth.

Quietly, Julia placed a consoling hand on his, silently offering strength to him as she monitored the ongoing conversation about where Kyle grew up.

He unfurled his fingers and laced them through hers. She offered him a fleeting smile before she refocused her attention on Ava.

“So, what made you leave Harbor Cove?” the woman asked.

He felt her tense as she started her answer. “Oh, uh, I needed a change.”

Ava’s eyes fell on their clasped hands. “Well, it looks like it agrees with you.”

“Do you miss it?” Alex asked.

“I miss some things about it,” she answered.

The words stung him. What things did she miss?

“I’d miss it,” Ava said. “It’s beautiful there.”

“You’ve been there?” Sierra asked.

“We spent two summers there with Julia back in the old college days,” Alex answered. “Hiking, sailing, all that awesome stuff. I remember being on that sailboat named after you.”

Grant’s jaw tensed at the words, recalling the moments he’d witnessed near the Gentle Julia. The tense moments between Julia and her former fiancé still stuck in his mind.

“And what were those drinks?”

“Marina Mists,” Julia answered.

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