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Julia covered her face with her hands for an instant. “We should have told Grant. He’s not going to be happy–“

“I don’t care if he is or isn’t. I was more than a little worried that if Lydia was so desperate to have you gone for a few hours she’d find someone else to do it if I didn’t. I didn’t like that idea. As far as my father? He’s just going to have to deal with it.”

Julia shook her head at the situation.

“We can’t go back now. If I fail…I’ll never get back in with her–“

“Good!” Julia exclaimed.

“No, not good. Not good for you or me.” Kyle sucked in a breath as he clenched his jaw. “She’s coming after all of you. And if I fail at this task…if we go back right now…she’s going to come after me, too.”

Julia shifted her weight as she slid her eyes closed. He was right. If Lydia suspected they’d talked or she’d convinced him to let her go, Kyle may be the next one who wound up in the morgue. “Fine. But I think you should text Grant and give him a heads-up. Did Lydia give any indication on why she wanted him isolated?”

Kyle shook his head. “No. And no, I’m not texting him. There’s no way I am going to risk him not reacting in whatever way Lydia expects. We need this to go our way, Julia. And my father is just going to have to do his part unwittingly.”

“I just think he’s going to see this as a betrayal.”

“He sees everything I’ve done already as a betrayal, so it doesn’t matter.”

Julia heaved a sigh as she chewed her lower lip. It would be a horrible few hours for Grant, but she hoped once they reunited, everything would be explained, and they’d have some sort of information to use moving forward. “Okay, fine. We won’t tell him. Now, can we get out of the shower? I’m starting to get wet.”

“Actually, there’s something else.”

Her stomach flip-flopped again. Now what?

Kyle swallowed hard and pressed his lips together. “She not only wanted me to bring you here, but…she also…wanted some compromising pictures.”

“Are you kidding me?”

He shook his head. “She said there’s a camera in the mantel clock. All she needed was a few questionable shots.”

Julia slapped a palm against her forehead. “I can’t believe this. I cannot believe her.”

“I’m sorry.”

Julia shook her head as she lowered her hand, curling her fingers into a fist. “It’s not your fault. But this puts us in a terrible position.”

“I know. But we’re in a worse position if I don’t get back on her good side.”

“That’s not the only camera, right? And you said she has microphones?”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t talk freely while we’re here. And I think whatever happens in front of that mantel clock better be convincing or else she’s going to be on to us.”

Julia wrapped her arms around her midriff as she nodded. “Yeah, that shouldn’t be very hard. We can just rehash one of our old conversations.”

“Fine. Let’s go before she starts to wonder where we are.”

Kyle shut off the water, and they left the relative safety of the shower behind. Julia’s heart pounded as she followed him down the stairs. This had been a risky move on his part. And the fallout could be colossal, but they were committed to the plan now. There was no going back.

They reached the bottom of the stairs. Kyle peered around one of the wooden beams holding the vaulted ceiling at bay before he glanced back at Julia. He flicked his eyebrows up at her, and she nodded. A silent response to his unspoken question of whether she was ready.

He squeezed her hand before he nodded toward the living room, allowing her to lead.

She paraded into the room, spotting the mantel clock, but pulling her eyes away from it immediately.

She struggled not to keep shifting her gaze to it as she flung her arms out. “Kyle, why did you bring me here? There’s nothing about DG Industries here.”

“Because we needed to talk, and this is the only way I could think of,” he answered.

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