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Julia offered her stepdaughter an encouraging smile. “We’re going to get through this, Sierra.”

Grant licked his lips, sucking in a breath as he flicked his gaze to Julia. “There’s something else you should know, Sierra.”

“Now what?” she asked.

“Christopher Metcalfe is dead.”

Her lips tugged into a frown before she puffed out a breath. “Good. He was the first one who used those pictures to threaten me. I thought it was over when I got him the job at Harrington Global.”

Julia shook her head, recalling her suspicions about Sierra’s insistence on him being hired. “I knew it. Sierra, why didn’t you tell someone?”

“I was afraid. I didn’t want anyone to know. I thought you’d hate me.”

“Baby, I could never hate you,” Grant said. “Believe me. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. A lot. And I’m still making them.”

“We all are,” Julia agreed.

“Anyway, someone murdered him. I found the body. Thankfully, the police don’t think I did it. But it is another reason to stay away from your mother. She’s dangerous.”

Sierra’s features scrunched. “Do you think Mom did it? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past her.”

“I don’t know,” Grant said with a shake of his head. “Maybe it was someone who works for her. Or one of her partners. Either way, please stay away from her. Maybe take a vacation with James.”

Sierra blew out a breath, upset crossing her features. “I don’t think that’ll work. I…stupidly broke up with him.”

“I think he’ll understand, Sierra. And if it’ll help, we can talk to him and let him know what’s going on.”

Sierra swallowed hard as she twisted the sheet covering her in her fist. “I can talk to him.”

Julia glanced over her shoulder before she spun back to face Sierra with a smile. “You won’t have to wait for long.”

Sierra lifted her eyes as James, carrying a bouquet stepped into the room. “Hey, Sierra. How are you feeling?”

“Why don’t we leave them to talk?” Julia said as she reached for Grant’s hand.

Before she could go, Sierra grabbed her hand. “Hey, Julia?”


“I’m really glad you’re okay and…I love you.”

Julia’s heart melted at the words. She knew they didn’t come easy from her after being dumped by her mother at a young age. It marked progress for her, and Julia couldn’t be prouder. Julia wrapped her stepdaughter in an embrace. “I love you, too.”

After another squeeze of her stepdaughter’s hand, she whispered good luck before she left her room behind.

Grant faced her as they entered the hall, his hands closing around her arms as he rubbed them. “Thank you, Julia. You handle her so well. I don’t think I could have done that without you.”

“Sierra doesn’t really need handled, Grant. She just needs love and patience. What Lydia did to her runs deep.”

“I know,” he said as he flicked his gaze away from her and shook his head. “She can’t get close to people because of that. She’s always afraid to lose them.”

Something clouded his eyes as he said the words. She wondered if they hit closer to home than he cared to admit.

With a hard swallow, he shoved away the emotion etched into the lines on his face and focused on her. “But she did get close to you. She said those three words I never thought I’d hear from her.”

“And I am honored she said them to me,” Julia said with a grin. “I feel the same way. I’m glad I had the opportunity to get to know her.”

His forehead creased for a second at the words. She wondered what about them gave him pause, but she didn’t get the opportunity to ask.

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