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Kyle’s jaw tensed as he bobbed his head up and down. “She’s in room ten.”

“Are you coming?” Julia asked as they headed for the door.

He stared into space, seeming pensive before he twisted to face her, nodding. “I’ll be right there. I’m pretty sure she won’t want to see me anyway.”

She slid her hand into Grant’s as they hurried down the hall to Sierra’s room. Julia pushed inside first, followed by Grant. Sierra huddled in the bed, tears staining her cheeks as she continued to sniffle.

She snapped her eyes up to Julia, her features pinching before she started to sob again. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“I’m fine, Sierra,” Julia said as Grant crossed to her and scooped her into a hug.

Sierra wrapped her arms around him as she continued to cry. “Daddy!”

“I’m glad you’re okay, baby. But what the hell were you thinking getting behind the wheel after drinking and taking medication?” Grant pulled away from her, his features a mix of worry and frustration.

“I’m sorry,” she said before she flicked her glassy eyes to Julia. “Julia, I’m sorry.”

Julia crossed to her, sinking onto the mattress. Before she could speak, Sierra flung her arms around her neck as her shoulders shook with sobs. “It’s okay, Sierra. I’m okay.”

Julia rubbed her stepdaughter’s back until her crying quieted a little.

“You ought to thank God she’s okay, Sierra. That was a stupid thing to do,” Grant said.

Sierra pulled back, wiping at her cheeks. “I know,” she said, her voice hiccupping. “I just…”

“You were in an incredible amount of pain,” Julia said as she grabbed the woman’s hand. “And you still are. But we need to discuss a better way for you to move forward than drowning it with alcohol and drugs.”

Sierra sniffled as she nodded. “I know. I just–”

Julia squeezed her hand, spotting the deep-seated hurt still floating in her eyes. “You know nothing you said in the car, Sierra, none of that was true, right?”

Sierra chewed her lower lip. “But it is.”

“No, it isn’t. You are not unlovable. And I’m pretty sure your father would agree with that statement.”

Grant’s eyebrows pinched as she grabbed Sierra’s other hand. “Of course, I do. Baby, I love you. James loves you. Julia loves you.”

Julia nodded as she wiped a tear away from Sierra’s cheek. “And you don’t destroy everything you touch. What your mother said to you is complete nonsense, Sierra. She just wanted to hurt you.”

“I’m like her.”

“No, you are not,” Grant said as he sank onto the bed across from Julia. “You are nothing like Lydia. Trust me on that.”

Sierra sniffled.

“And I would agree with that,” Julia said. “Based on what I know about you both, you are nothing like her.”

Sierra’s features squashed as she slouched in the bed. “But…”

“But what, Sierra?” Julia asked.

Sierra flicked her gaze to Julia. “You saw those pictures of me. I’m the girl everyone is disappointed in.”

“No,” Julia said with a shake of her head. “No, I’m not disappointed in you. Sierra, everyone makes mistakes. You made a mistake. But you learned from it. Right?”

“Based on tonight, I didn’t.”

Julia inched closer to her, trying to soothe her deep pain. “I think you did. And I think tonight taught you a lesson, too.”

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