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“You should be at home. With us.”

She shifted her weight, understanding dawning on her. “I’m sorry. I know I agreed to go this weekend, but I didn’t think you’d let me say no. And I just don’t want to go. I hope you can understand–”

“I don’t. I…” His features scrunched again, as though he was in pain.

She tilted her head, desperately trying to understand what he was saying. “I think it’s better for everyone if I–”

“Please, Julia,” he said, holding up a hand to stop her. “Please just let me say this.”

“Okay,” she answered, her voice soft.

He focused his stormy eyes on her. Silence seemed to stretch before an eternity before he spoke again. “I love you, Julia.”

The words stunned her, maybe more than they should have. Or at least the way he said them, the sincerity she thought she heard, surprised her. They had shared tender moments. They had connected. But she hadn’t thought that connection existed on his end, only hers.

He continued before she could answer. “I have for a long time. I should have said something…dozens of times before, I should have said something. I almost did, but…I…it doesn’t matter. What matters is I love you. And I want you to come home. I don’t want a fake marriage, I want a real one. With you.”

Heat washed over her as she wondered if this was really happening. He reached into his pocket and produced a ring box. His fingers caressed it for a moment before he flicked his gaze up to her again as he snapped it open.

She studied the beautifully set diamond against the blue velvet.

“This was my grandmother’s ring. She told me to give it to the woman who captured my heart. I’ve never given it to anyone else. But I want to give it to you. I know it’s not as big as the other one, but I hope you like it.”

Her mind whirled as she stared at the ring in his hand. What was he saying?

He took a step closer, and her eyes raised to his. “What do you say, Julia? Will you come home? Will you be my wife?”

Her heart pounded at the question as dozens of thoughts raced through her mind. Her gaze fell to the ring again, her eyebrows pinching. Her stomach twisted into a knot, and she pressed her lips together.

A tumult of emotions swirled within her. Could she truly find happiness with him? Memories of their shared laughter, his unexpected tenderness, and their moments of connection flashed before her eyes. Yet, the shadows of his past, the string of failed marriages, loomed over her, feeding her doubts.

She shifted her weight as she raised her eyes to his again. He stared at her expectantly. She sucked in a breath, pressing her hand against her stomach. “I can’t.”

His anticipatory expression twisted into one of confusion. “What?”

The word came out barely above a whisper.


“I’m sorry,” she said with a shake of her head. ”But–“

“Is this about Luke?” Grant’s voice remained tentative. “Is he the reason you’re leaving?”

She shook her head, her mind sliding back to their conversation the previous night. “No. Luke is part of my past. He has nothing to do with this.”

Grant’s features remained tense, but his eyes betrayed a vulnerability she’d only seen on a few occasions before. “Then, what? What is it? These last two years…did they mean nothing to you?”

His voice cracked slightly, betraying the turmoil bubbling below the surface.

Her heart tumbled as she blinked back tears. In the dimly lit room, the soft glow of the lamps cast a serene ambiance. Yet, the tranquility belied the storm of emotions raging in her heart. Grant’s presence, once a source of comfort, now felt like an anchor, pulling her into depths of feeling she wasn’t sure she was ready to explore. “Of course not. They meant everything to me. And that’s why I can’t do this.”

His eyes went wide as he shook his head. “I’m sorry…I don’t understand any of this. I thought we had a connection.”

She swallowed hard, trying to stabilize her emotions before she spoke. She blew out a shaky breath before she continued. “We did. We do. But that’s not enough.”

“What then? Tell me. What do you need? I’ll give it to you.”

Her features pinched again as she said words that she knew would hurt him. “You can’t. Grant…you have a terrible track record with relationships. I’m your fifth wife.”

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