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She stepped away from her sister. “I believe he had Mother killed to wipe the stain from our family after Aiden, Anna, and Sutton Smith worked with Mercedes Belle and Jesse to expose her. Mother escaped prison, and he wasn’t pleased. He ordered her to go with his guards to find you two and bring you home. I believe the guards had instructions to kill her when it could look like she was caught in the crossfire.” She looked to Clint. “You’re the sheriff. Who killed Catherine Oliver?”

Clint looked impressed. “She was shot in the back by one of her men.”

Hays found that disturbing and intriguing. Benjamin Oliver had his own wife killed to give himself a scapegoat? What was the man capable of doing to Elizabeth, Quaid, or Jacey?

Elizabeth nodded. “Father told me she took the fall. He gave up some information, a few financial reserves, and even some of his well-trained men to the investigators so he’d look clean, cooperative, and could play his familiar role of victim. He’s insanely wealthy, terrifyingly connected, underhanded, and nobody in the world suspects him.” She looked from Jacey to Quaid. “Not even his own children.”

Jacey had tears streaming down her face. She’d edged back to her husband as Elizabeth spoke. Now Cade cuddled her against his side. He was so huge, she looked safe and protected. Hays wished he could safeguard Elizabeth.

Quaid was stoic. He didn’t speak, didn’t move.

Anna glanced up at him. “You worked so hard to keep me safe from your mother. What if your father is the worse threat?”

Quaid blanched and wrapped an arm around his wife, kissing her forehead. “Then I will take you, Jacey, and Cade to a remote, safe space where you will be protected, and I will work with Aiden and Sutton Smith to end my father once and for all.” He looked at Elizabeth. “None of the places you suggested. Don’t think you’ll find us.”

Hays’s heart went out to Elizabeth. Was his vision skewed because of emotion and the love he’d always harbored for her? Maybe Quaid was right and he shouldn’t be part of this equation, but he wouldn’t turn his back on Elizabeth. He’d march by her side back to her father’s mansion and take the man on by himself if need be.

“We need to make a decision,” Aiden said. “If Elizabeth is right, we’ll have mercenaries headed our way.” He paused. “Benjamin will realize he needs to assemble a large team, so we might have a couple hours. Currently, there are no teams of mercenaries in Missoula or Spokane that have a hope against us. He’d have to put out a request, fly them from Seattle or Salt Lake into Missoula and drive to this location. Even then, no army could best my men.” He grinned cockily. “But I don’t want to waste time fighting hired wannabes if the focus is taking the battle to Benjamin Oliver.”

“Okay.” Sheriff Coleville nodded. “If we trust Elizabeth, we need to hide her as well. If we don’t, we ship her out with her men.”

Nobody was shipping Elizabeth back to her father. Not on Hays’s watch.

“Paul can fly them,” Aiden offered.

“What do you all think?” the sheriff asked.

Nobody said anything. Even Jacey didn’t look like she knew who to trust. The lines were being drawn in the sand. Everyone would need to make a decision. Hays’s decision was already made. Elizabeth held his heart. He was choosing to trust her and be there for her.

“I stand by Elizabeth,” Hays said, walking to her side. He didn’t take her hand or put his arm around her like he longed to, but he did hold her gaze.

She stared up at him. “Hays …” Her eyes were soft and warm, but then she shook her head. “You can’t. He’ll destroy you first. At least he has tender feelings for Jacey, and he thinks he can manipulate Quaid to help him reach his goals. You, Anna, and Cade are in the most danger.”

Hays grunted, though he liked how she lumped him in with her siblings’ spouses. “Liz. If I didn’t prove how tough I am by taking down your meanest guard dog, I’m not sure what kind of demonstration you need.” He winked, but she only stared at him. “No one can destroy me. I’ll take Benjamin on by myself if needed.” He’d call Jagger Lemuel and Shawn Holister. His best friends would never let him down. “The only way you’re getting me away from your side is a bullet through my heart.”

Elizabeth sucked in a breath, and her pulse throbbed in her neck. The rest of the room was too quiet.

“You violently shoved me away fourteen years ago,” he said quietly. That night was still a painful obstacle they needed to talk through. “Don’t do it again, Liz.” He couldn’t admit how deeply he still felt for her. Not yet. He still retained some pride. “I will watch out for you and help you defeat your father.”

Her blue eyes flashed with warmth, possibly love, but then fear filled them. “Please, Hays. I had to prove fourteen years ago that I didn’t love you so you wouldn’t be a target for my father to torture and manipulate to control me.”

Hays sucked in a breath and so did everyone else in the room. There was more he needed to understand about the story, but she had been protecting him.

“You beating Peter and then diving in for me, holding me like you did while my guards watched … he’ll be after you. You have to run. Hide. It’s your only chance to survive.”

His pride did flare then. “I am not a runner, Liz. Six of your guards thrashed me fourteen years ago. I’d dare them to try it now. I will fight for you.”

She let out a whimper that ripped at his heart and then she threw herself at him and clung to him. Hays was stunned. He wrapped her up tight. The world was set right, despite the danger they were in.

“Hays, please.” Her warm breath tickled his neck. “I can’t let you die for me.”

“It’s not your choice.” He met her gaze and willed her to believe that he would die for her if needed. Most importantly, he’d fight for her, even if he had to take on the incredible men in this room.

He didn’t even glance around. His focus was on Elizabeth. She was what mattered. If he had to go AWOL and take her to Antarctica or Point Nemo, he would do it. Her father would have to hire legions of mercenaries to beat him up this time.

He could only pray Elizabeth wouldn’t shove him away or run from him.


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