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She was sick of this. “Is my brother, not my father. And honestly, even if my father was here, I’m an adult. I have every right to do what I want in this club. Tell me something, if it was Devi or Bri coming out of a privacy room, would you be clutching your pearls and wondering how fast you can bring the patriarchy down on their heads?”

Hunter’s hands came up. “I’m so fucking glad my sister is in London. Go on. I was only trying to look out for you.”

It was the whole problem with the club. The problem wasn’t that someone cared about her, but sometimes their caring became questioning her choices. If she had one more intervention…

“I’m great. Used a condom and everything.” She’d one hundred percent protected her body. She wasn’t so sure about her heart.

Daisy strode away and didn’t look back.

* * * *

“Hey, how’d your night go, big guy? I asked around and no one said they saw you, but I noticed you weren’t home when we got here.” Aidan sat at the breakfast table, a mug of coffee in front of him.

Nate needed way more than coffee. He needed to find Dee and take his hand to her backside. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He’d meant to get inside her again. As many times as it took to get her to take the mask off and get real with him.

That was the problem. It had all felt so real. He’d spent one night with the woman, and he was fairly certain he would never forget her.

The good news was Aidan had been a member of The Hideout since its inception, and he tended to be pretty observant. When the dungeon monitor had woken him up, the club had been closing and his Cinderella hadn’t even left behind one of her high heels. No clues to track her by except her name. Well, and a couple of facts.

“I met a sub. We decided to play in private. Look, mate, I need to find her. You know a sub named Dee?” Nate got right to the point. He’d driven himself home and the house had been quiet, though he’d seen a light on in the room normally used by Cooper McKay.

Daisy O’Donnell was staying the night. Just yesterday meeting Daisy again after almost twelve years had seemed like it would be the highlight of his week. Now he could barely work up the will to say hi.

Because all he fucking wanted in the world was Dee.

In the course of a few short hours, he’d become obsessed with a woman for the first time in his life.

Aidan sat up. He was in sweats and a T-shirt, his hair still damp from a morning shower, and his gym bag was slung over his chair. “Dee? We have a couple of members with first names that start with D.”

“She said her name was Dee.”

Carys walked in from the kitchen. She was dressed far more formally than her fiancé. She was in slacks and a pretty shirt, her hair up in a neat bun. “Who said her name was Dee? We don’t have a Dee. We have a Daisy and a Devon and Denise. But honestly, it was masquerade night so we had some newbies, and almost no one goes by real names.”

“It’s kind of a free-for-all,” Aidan admitted. “The only rule is what happens at masquerade stays at masquerade. It’s a decadent, make-bad-choices kind of night.”

“It’s supposed to be fun.” Carys placed a plate of toast down on the table. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been because I’ve pretty much been engaged since I was five.”

Aidan’s lips kicked up in a grin. “She’s right. Tris and I made this ring in art class…” He sobered as though remembering his partner wasn’t here and wouldn’t be coming home any time soon. “Well, I’ve never understood the appeal. I did hear Chloe dumped a beer on Seth’s head when he tried to hit on her. I kind of wished I’d seen that.”

Carys sat down beside her fiancé and put a hand over his. “You were far too busy playing doctor.”

“Damn straight I was.” Aidan gave her hand a squeeze before turning back to Nate. “So you got lucky last night? Good for you, man.”

Had he listened to a word he’d said? “That’s where you’re wrong. I’m not lucky because I’m the arsehole who fell asleep on the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, and now I don’t know how to get in touch with her.”

Aidan chuckled. “Dude, you fell asleep on her? Seriously? So you want to find her again because you didn’t get a chance to play with her?”

“Oh, we played. We played for hours, and when we were done she went to clean up, and I was out like a bloody light,” he admitted. “When the monitor woke me up, she was gone. Everyone was, actually. I managed to sleep until the club closed.”

“Damn, man. I wish I could help you. What did she look like?” Aidan asked.

“She was fucking gorgeous. I mean that woman was sex walking on two legs. Long, dark hair, gorgeous eyes.” The sight of her spread out for his pleasure would haunt him until the day he died. Dee was… She was everything he wanted in a woman, in a sub. “I took one look at her and no one else mattered.”

Aidan glanced Carys’s way. “There are a lot of pretty subs, and a whole bunch who don’t usually attend. I know Chloe brought some friends with her last night. They usually play at The Club. It could be one of them.”

Carys was suddenly very interested in her phone. “Yeah, it really could be anyone. She could have been wearing a wig and going by a fake name. A lot of the subs do.”

He didn’t think Dee had been lying to him, and there was zero way all that silk hadn’t been her real hair. “She was in all white. She looked like a fucking angel. And her mask had feathers around the eyes. She was in these super-high heels, and her corset had all these rhinestones on them.”

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