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“Yeah, I’m going to need you to send extra security to theclub,” she was saying.

Case stepped out from behind his desk. “And I think it mightbe a good idea for Kim to escort Nicole to her room because you two are aboutto have trouble of your own.”

There was a knock and then the door came open, and Grim’snight was complete.

Jack Barnes stood in the doorway, a dark look in his eyes.

Things had just gotten infinitely worse.

* * * *

Josh stepped in front of Nicole because the lastthing he was going to do was put her in his father’s path. It was obvious hisdad thought he was a child who couldn’t handle his business, but the man wasabout to find out he was absolutely his father’s son.

“Josh,” his dad began.

“Move out of the way.” His mother was suddenly there, andshe pushed past his dad, Pops coming in behind her. Where his father lookedpissed, his mother was all worry. He braced himself because his mother could bea lot when she decided her babies were in trouble. She would try to coddle him,and he had to make sure she didn’t say something that would hurt Nicole.

“Mom, we should talk,” he began.

His mother’s eyes flashed fire. She pointed his way, and hewas five years old again with his hand in the damn cookie jar before dinner.“You would do best to be quiet. I am not any happier with you than I am yourfather. You knew she didn’t want her picture taken and you did it anyway andsent it to Harlow, who sent it to heaven knows who.” She turned to Nicole, andall her anger was gone, replaced with maternal comfort. “Nicole, sweetheart,come here. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

He had no idea what the hell was going on.

Nicole stood stiffly for a moment as his mom wrapped her upin her arms.

“It’s okay, baby. We’re going to take care of you,” his mompromised.

And the most magical thing happened. Nicole’s arms clutchedat his mom, and she started to cry. It wasn’t more than a moment before thetears became sobs.

His mom looked up. “Sam, could you escort us up to oursuite? My new baby needs time and some privacy. We’ll also need some tea andmaybe something to eat.”

“We have food up in our room.” Grim didn’t know his motheras well as Josh did. “We can go there.”

“Were you involved in this?” His mother never stoppedrubbing Nicole’s back.

Grim did a perfect imitation of a deer in the headlights.“I…I…”

His mother’s head shook. “Damn interfering men going behinda good woman’s back.” She looked over at Kim, who was watching the whole thingwith obvious amusement. “Are you the PI who is trying to help my new baby out?”

Kim stood. “Yes, Mrs. Barnes-Fleetwood. Why don’t I join youand we can discuss the situation? And I suggest some wine. Nic’s had a roughnight.”

Did they think he’d been to Disney World? He’d fucking foundout the woman he loved was wanted by the law and had people who would like tokill her. Was anyone offering him a beer and a shoulder to cry on? Nope. Hismomma was looking at him like he was a monster and Nicole… Well, Nicoledefinitely thought he was a monster.

“I’ll escort you up myself,” Case offered. “My wife isbringing in extra security. I assure you she’ll be safe here while you decidewhat you want to do. I’ve already called my brother about security for theranch.”

His mom gave Case a brilliant smile. “I appreciate it somuch. Tell your brother how grateful we are for accommodating us.” Her smilefaded when she looked back at Josh and Grim. “You should talk to your father.Maybe you can talk about trust and how bad it is when you break it.”

His pops held the door open for them. “Since you’ve got anexcellent escort, I’m going to stay here and make sure Jack doesn’t saysomething he shouldn’t to our sons.”

Abby kept a protective arm around Nicole as they moved tothe door, followed by the Taggarts and Kimberly Kent.

Who had done exactly what he’d done but didn’t seem to begetting blasted for it.

“An excellent idea, Sam. I’ll see you upstairs,” Mom saidwith a watery smile. “Jack can take the couch.”

His father’s face flushed, but he merely took a long breath.

Damn. What had happened? How had they gotten here so fast?What did they know? It seemed like a lot.

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