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“I’m not your damn ex,” a deep voice said.

Damn it. He’d tried to keep this between the two of them,but Josh had opened the door behind Nicole and stood there, a darkness in hiseyes.

When Josh was in top space he could be a bit unreasonable.“She knows that, but this place can be overwhelming when you first walk in. Iknow you’re used to wealthy spaces but Nicole’s not, and I understand that. Letme handle her.”

Nicole turned, and her hands went to her hips. “I’m allowedto have feelings, Josh.”

Damn, but she was pushing him. “That’s not what he said.”

“You’re allowed to have feelings, but you are required totalk about them.” Josh stepped back, gesturing for her to enter the room. “AndI can have some feelings of my own. I want to know who made you feel bad.”

She sighed, and her shoulders came down as she walked intothe room. “No one. You can’t understand. You’ve never been in this position.”

“She’s right about that,” Grim said as he followed her. Heleaned in, his voice going low. “She’s overwhelmed and doesn’t need a bunch ofjealousy thrown her way right now.”

“I’m not jealous of her asshole ex,” Josh replied.

“You aren’t?” He knew his brother.

“Fine. Of course I am,” Josh admitted with a fierce frown.“I’m insanely jealous of anyone who’s ever touched her before, but she can’tthrow me in the same bin with him. The only thing we have in common is money.She started pulling away the minute she figured out my family was wealthy.”

Nicole turned to Josh. “I adore your family, Josh. I lovethem. But I worry they won’t love me when they figure out who I really am. Andthis… Everyone here is so refined. They all have these important jobs. Did youknow Mia is some kind of award-winning journalist? And her sister-in-law hasbeen on TV. Your friend Harlow said her mom is a famous artist. I don’t evenhave an undergrad degree. I don’t know why I’m here. I won’t even go into thewhole Andrew Tech God Lawless. Your parents are successful and they taught youhow to be, too.”

Josh’s features softened. “Baby, success is a word we haveto define for ourselves. I’m successful because my dad fought for his place.And the truth of the matter is the reason he fits in here is because he doesn’tcare what anyone thinks. He doesn’t have a fancy degree. He and Pops grew up infoster care. My momma was a teenaged single mom who got run out of town. Whenyou talk about me being successful, that’s all because of them. My success willbe appreciating what they gave me and taking care of it. It’ll be in building afamily with my best friend and the woman I love. I’m not successful. Not yet.If I achieve that, it might be because of you.”

Tears clung to her cheeks, and Grim knew they were past theworst of this episode. “I’m the same as Josh, baby. I didn’t pay for myschool.”

Josh turned to him, his head shaking. “No, but you survivedsome horrific abuse. You could have given in and become like your brothers. Butyou were tested, and you showed the world exactly who Jared Burch is. He’s asurvivor. I would bet Nic is, too. This place isn’t some magical space whereonly the elite are accepted. There are members here who don’t pay a fee.They’re here because Case thinks they can get something out of this club. Bythe way, that man you were drooling over—not rich. All the money came from hiswife. He was a soldier, and he became a soldier because he had no other placeto go. This isn’t about our childhoods. It’s about what we do with what we werehanded, and baby, from what I can tell you were not handed much. So take whatI’m offering you and show me what you can make with it. I think it will besomething beautiful.”

Thank god his brother had a way with words. Grim was betterwith soothing pats and nodding along.

And he was good with the spanking she was about to get.

Nic moved into Josh’s arms, wrapping herself around him.“Thank you, Sir. I didn’t think about it that way. And you are so not my ex.You’re a good man. You and Grim…you make me want to stay.”

Josh’s head lowered and he kissed their sub, their mouthsmingling in a way that made Grim’s cock tighten. His whole body came alive asthough recognizing the hard part was over and it was time to play.

“Are you all right now?” Josh asked when he broke off thekiss.

Nic nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry. I got nervous. Everyonehere is beautiful, and I met your friend Harlow and she’s intimidating. I thinkshe might like you.”

Josh snorted. “She absolutely does not. Not in the wayyou’re implying. We’re only friends. Well, we’re family, but she comes fromparanoid stock. I swear if you ever meet her dads, you’ll be able to figure outwhich one’s sperm created her.”

Grim disagreed. “Nurture is every bit as important asnature.”

“And she had two completely lovely normal parents and oneparanoid asshole. Using that name doesn’t mean I don’t love and respect UncleChase. He would nod and say that’s a fair assessment. He’s a lot to take, andHarlow got some of that drama in her. Was she rude to you?” Josh asked.

Grim would be shocked. Harlow was one of the kindest womenhe knew. Though she did have a habit of protecting the people she loved. Inbrutal ways, sometimes. Harlow was the first woman to show Grim female badasses weren’t some movie myth. Women in his old worldwere meant to defer to men, to be godly and quiet and never complain. Abby andOlivia had taught him how amazing women could be, but Harlow…well, she scaredhim sometimes.

Fuck. If Harlow found out something about Nicole she didn’tlike, he wouldn’t put it past her to take matters into her own hands, and thatcould go very wrong.

“She was nice, but I don’t think she liked me,” Nicadmitted.

“Like I said, she can be eccentric,” Josh explained. “We’llspend some time with her while we’re here this weekend, and I promise you’llcome to love her. She’s a wonderful friend.”

Nic nodded though she didn’t look sure.

He needed a moment with Josh. “Baby, settle yourself on thespanking bench. You’ll take thirty for the lying and another thirty forwhatever the hell that was when you greeted Josh.”

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