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“Yes, and as a Taggart,” Case grumbled. “Damn brother-in-lawoffered my only child a million and his own private jet if he would legallychange his name to Lawless.”

“He was joking about that.” Mia’s nose wrinkled. “My brothercan be obnoxious at times. I’m the lone girl, so Heath is the only one of thenieces and nephews without the Lawless name. Just wait until one of Drew’sdaughters gets married. He’s going to lose his mind.”

Now Nic was staring for another reason. “Lawless?”

“Did I not mention that?” Josh asked like forgetting yourfamily was close friends with one of the greatest technological minds of thelast century was no big deal. “Yeah, Mia’s family runs a company called 4L.Case is the head of their security division.”

“And Mia stays far, far away,” Mia said with a smile. “Ourmain offices are here in Austin, but there’s a big 4L office in New York, andguess where my son decided to be?”

“He needs some freedom, baby,” Case said. “Honestly, heneeds to be somewhere where neither of our last names mean anything. That’swhat your brother doesn’t understand. As a Taggart as long as he stays out ofthe security business he’s a regular guy. There is no outrunning the Lawlessname. Josh knows all about that. Is that why you never changed your name,Grim?”

Grim seemed taken aback by the question. “What do you mean?”

“I thought they adopted you. Jack did, right?” Case asked.

From what she could tell, the Barnes-Fleetwood familytreated Grim exactly the same way they treated Josh and Olivia. If she hadn’tbeen told they’d taken Grim in, she would have assumed he was their biologicalchild.

“He did that so he could protect me from my stepfather, andI’ll always be grateful, but I loved my dad.” Grim reached out, his fingerstangling with hers as though he needed support to talk about the subject. “Mybiological father was a good man, and changing my name felt like I was erasinghim. Especially since my brother did change his last name. Not legally, but herefers to himself as Smith not Burch. I guess I didn’t want to erase him.”

“It does,” Case said with a nod. “Though if you and Joshfollow the whole double up name thing, your wife is going to be aBarnes-Fleetwood-Burch. Or Burch-Barnes-Fleetwood.”

“Fleetwood-Barnes-Burch sounds like a band,” Mia added.

“I think we’ll deal with that when the time comes,” Joshsaid with a shake of his head. “Mia, do you mind showing our sub to the women’slocker room? The club is about to open up, and I don’t want to miss ourscheduled play time.”

Play time. She was going to play with two gorgeous men in anopulent club. Anxiety flashed through her. Did she belong here?

Mia stood. “Of course. Come with me.”

She gave Grim’s hand a squeeze and stood to follow her outbecause there was nothing else to do. “See you soon.”

Grim stood and brushed his lips over hers. She was about tostep back when he cupped her cheeks and stared into her eyes. “I’m so gladyou’re here with us. It finally feels right.” He kissed her again, lingeringthis time. “I know it’s intimidating, but it won’t always be.”

He always seemed to know how she was feeling. Grim’s quietwords sent her anxiety fleeing. How had he felt walking into this building forthe first time? He didn’t have the Barnes-Fleetwood name. He hadn’t grown uparound wealth and privilege. He’d probably felt exactly the way she had.

“Hey, what about me?” Josh asked, moving in. He kissed herand whispered into her ear. “I hope you enjoy the fetwear, but know I’ll have you naked before the end of the night.”

A bolt of heat shot through her as she stepped back. Thiswas why it was perfect to be with both of them. Grim knew how to ground her andJosh how to make her fly. “I’m sure you will.”

She would have them naked, too. Naked and surrounding her.Tonight they planned to take her together after days of prepping her for analsex. Tonight she would know what it meant to be their woman.

She stepped away and followed the ridiculously wealthy MiaTaggart out into the hallway. “I’m Nicole, by the way. They forgot to introduceme.”

“Yes, they were obviously preoccupied.” Mia started down theelegant hall. “I’ve known Josh and Grim for a while now. Since they joined theclub at the tender age of eighteen, and they’ve never once brought a woman heremuch less someone they refer to as their sub. Not a sub. Oursub. You want to know why I hustled back from New York? I wanted to meet you.”

“I don’t think I’m anything special,” Nic replied. “I’m thenew girl in a small town, and I don’t mind dating two men.”

“I’m fascinated with the thought. Not that I need anotherman in my life. I’m surrounded by them, but I’m always intrigued by how thethreesome thing works.” Mia stopped, her face flushing. “I’m sorry. I wasn’ttalking about the sex part. I do understand that. I was more talking about theemotional parts.”

“Well, we’re in the honeymoon phase right now, I think. It’sbeen great getting to know them, but I don’t think those men are going to behard to love. They’re kind of like halves of a whole. They function bettertogether,” Nicole explained. “They’re really brothers.”

“Case has a twin, but they weren’t like some I’ve met.They’ve always been very different people. I’ve met a couple of threesomes andthey’re much like you’ve described.” Mia started walking again. “And I don’tthink they’re into you simply because you’re the new girl and they’ve alreadyworked their way through everyone in town.”

“Sometimes it feels like it,” Nic said with a sigh. “They’renot playboys, but they are healthy young men with way more experience than me.”

“Josh and Grim are considered thoughtful when it comes towomen. They might have played around when they were younger, but it’s beenobvious for the last couple of years they’re ready to settle down. If they’vebrought you here and they’re introducing you to their lifestyle family, it’sbecause they’re serious about you.”

“I’m serious about them, too,” she admitted. It wasn’tsomething she would have said days before, but she’d been fooling herself. Shewas going to take the risk. Once she figured out how to tell them.

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