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He was already in deep with this woman, hence the uncoolalmost-lecture on spanking. He could practically hear Josh telling him to chillthe fuck out and take things slow on the “we want to tie you up and do nastythings to you” front.

Thankfully, she didn’t look worried now. She had a dreamysmile on her lips, and her eyes were soft.

“Where’s your key, darlin’?” He wanted her out of thisparking lot as soon as possible. It looked like someone was checking in nextdoor. He got a vague glance at a blonde before she rolled her suitcase inside.She seemed oddly normal for a motel guest. More suburban mom than the usualcriminal element.

“In my purse, the front pocket,” she murmured as though shecouldn’t care less if they looked through it.

Maybe she wasn’t in the kind of trouble he was worriedabout. It didn’t matter because he and Josh would handle it no matter what.

“Got it.” Josh had her purse in hand, closing the truck upand moving to her room. “You would think we were back in the stone ages. Whostill has actual keys?”

No key cards for the Willow Fork Sleep Easy Motel. He wassure the owner would laugh if anyone asked if they could check in on theirphone. He wasn’t sure Jerry Nevins had joined the cell phone revolution. As faras he could tell the man still used a rotary phone on a landline.

He wanted to take her to the magnificent hotel attached toSubversion. Half this rattrap would fit into the suite he and Josh alwaysstayed in. She deserved the best, and he wanted to give it to her. She could betheir pampered princess of a sub. A little bratty. A whole lot sweet.

Josh got the door open, and Grim carried her in.

Josh turned on the lights, and the room was neat, if a bitshabby. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except the woman in his arms.

He sat down on the king-sized bed, grateful that at least itseemed sturdy. He leaned over and kissed her. Her mouth flowered open underhis. He could hear Josh moving around. He would be making sure everything waslocked down and they had what they needed. Sure enough, when he looked overthere was a line of condoms on the nightstand.

His whole body felt alert and alive. This was happening.They were starting something with her, and it would be important.

He let it slide away. He didn’t need to put pressure on anyof them this evening. Tonight was about pleasure. Tomorrow they could starttalking. Slowly. They would ease her into the relationship they wanted.

“You are so gorgeous, girl.” Josh proved he was already astep ahead of Grim.

“So fucking beautiful,” he agreed.

“I don’t usually feel that way,” she said quietly. “But Ifeel real good tonight. I’ll feel even better if you kiss me again.”

He lowered his head and let his mouth find hers. KissingNicole felt natural to him.

He’d loved the whole night. Even dancing. Not once had hefound himself wondering when he could slink away and find a quiet place to reador get some work done the way he normally did when surrounded by people.

It wasn’t so bad when she was there.

“Tell me what you want.” He was going slow. He was tampingdown all his instincts to tie her up and haul her back to their place. Those,he’d been told, were his inner-caveman instincts, and he was supposed to…notsuppress them exactly, but to try to round out the hard edges.

It was funny how he almost never heard his stepfather in hishead anymore, but Jack Barnes was always there.

“I don’t know.” She was staring at him like he was somethingspecial. “I guess I want to explore. Maybe not the spanking thing tonight, butit doesn’t scare me the way I thought it would. I thought this would besomething that went fast, and then you would be gone.”

He shook his head. “Not happening, girl. We’re spending thenight if you let us.”

“Then I want you to show me,” she whispered. “Show me whatit means to be with two men.”

That he could do. Starting right now.

He kissed her again even as Josh moved in. His best friendhad already gotten his shirt off and was taking his place on the other side ofNicole. “Kiss Josh.”

Her head moved, tilting so Josh could take her lips.

This was what he needed. He’d been restless lately, his worknot fulfilling him the way it used to. The club worked for a while, but what heneeded was an actual relationship, a woman they could truly care about andshare.

The fact that he was almost certain she was lying to themabout any number of things didn’t matter. She was lying about this great jobshe was going to get to in a couple of weeks, lying about having friends inother cities.

She was alone. She needed them. She just didn’t know it yet.

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