Page 106 of The Accidental Siren

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Actually, it wasn’t a bad idea. “Maybe it’s time you wentinto town with the dads. You’ve been holed up on the ranch for weeks. I don’tthink anyone understands how fully a part of us you are now.”

“But if Dad took her to dinner or she rode along with himand Pops to pick up supply shipments, they would get the message,” Grim mused.“My stepfather is an asshole, but he knows not to mess with Jack and Sam.”

“I’m supposed to go to some meeting with Abby next week,”Nicole offered. “The historical society or something.”

Josh groaned. “Then maybe you can be our inside girl. Mom isentirely unreasonable about our office building. Soften her up. We needupgrades.”

Nicole got into his space, going up on her toes so she couldbrush her lips against his. “I’m probably going to come down on your momma’sside of that fight. I think we should keep the town square as charming as it isnow. One of the things I’m going to do with the shelter is upgrade thebuilding. It’s an atrocious prefab right now, and I want to offer trainingclasses and doggie daycare. And Grim’s getting an office so he can have officehours and not have to run out to everyone’s house all the time.”

“I am?” Grim asked.

So Nicole was taking charge. He liked it. “You are. I thinkwhat our woman is trying to say is she’s going to make it clear there areboundaries. And if tonight was any indication, the townsfolk will honor them. Ihope you understand how many people tonight stood up for you?”

Nicole turned to Grim. “Because they know how good you are.Because they value you for your intelligence and your kindness. They mightthink we’re weirdos for being in a threesome, but they also understand we’restill good people.”

“This town is changing, and they won’t put up with yourstepfather’s bile for much longer.” Josh felt it in his bones. The youngergeneration had rarely had a problem with him and Grim, and it seemed they werestarting to convince their parents that love was love whether they understoodit or not. “It’ll be different for our kids.”

Because his parents had blazed a trail, and all he had to dowas follow it.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to be married before I starttalking about kids,” Nicole said primly.

“Oh, I can get a ring on your finger this weekend,” Joshpromised.

That seemed to startle her. Her mouth came open, and she bither bottom lip. “But you can’t. I mean it wouldn’t be legal. I didn’t thinkabout that. Josh, it could be years before I can legally change my name. I knowKim thinks she can do it, but what if she can’t clear me?”

Grim moved behind her, his arms going around her waist.“We’ll find a way. I don’t care if she never clears you, we’ll find a way tomake this work.”

Those two needed some optimism. He stepped in so Nicole wassurrounded by the two of them. He tilted her head up, looking into thosegorgeous eyes of hers. “You will be cleared or I promise you I’ll find a way toensure the threat is taken out. I don’t want you to worry about this. We haveour protocols in place, and we’re trusting the experts.” There was somethingshe didn’t know, but now he wondered if it was wrong to keep it from her.“Kim’s talking to Laura Holloway in the morning.”

“My sister-in-law?” Nic asked, obviously surprised. “Butshe’s Ted’s wife.”

“And he’s emotionally abused her for years,” Josh explained.“It’s not the first time Kim’s spoken to her. She talked to her at thebeginning of the case, and she got the feeling there was something the womanwanted to say but couldn’t. Laura wants out of her marriage, but she’s scared.”

“Why wouldn’t you…” Realization dawned in her eyes. “You’reoffering her money so she can leave safely.”

“Quite a bit,” Josh agreed. “We’re going to pay for herattorney and the costs to move her across the country back to her parents inMichigan. Laura has evidence that Ted and not you killed Micah. Kim and her sonare certain it’s enough to clear you and it will hold up in a court of law.”

“He didn’t want to tell you because he was worried you wouldargue with him about the money,” Grim whispered in her ear, his hands on herlike he could lose her if he let go.

Josh was putting all his cards on the table. “We won’t missthe money, baby. But we would miss you so fucking much. My whole family agreedto this.”

Nicole’s eyes closed, and she wrapped her arms around him.“Thank you, Josh. And you, Grim. Thank you for loving me.”

He held her and when her eyes opened, his mouth found hers.It was gentle at first, a promise the love they had would always be there. Thenshe turned and Grim kissed her, too. He watched as his best friend in the worldkissed the woman who would be their wife. Here there was zero jealousy at all.His jealousy had been rooted in the fear he could lose them both, but now theyfelt settled. They felt real.

This was the start of his family.

Grim turned her toward Josh. There was a flush to hisfriend’s face that let him know emotion was riding him hard, too. “Get herready. I’m going to get my kit.”

His kit. Because they would need lube and a plug to prepareher for what they really wanted.

Nicole’s arms floated up around his neck. “You’re going tomake love to me together tonight.”

“Is that a question, baby? Or a demand?”

“I don’t know. Which one will get the big bad Dom to spankme?”

“All you ever have to do is ask.” He ran his hands under hershirt, feeling soft skin beneath his palms. “Did you miss it? Did you miss thediscipline?”

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