Page 102 of The Accidental Siren

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“Shut your mouth, woman,” his stepfather said, his toneharsh.

“No. She doesn’t have to shut her mouth at all,” Christareplied. “You need to leave and don’t come back.” She pointed the feed storeowner’s way. “And if you are involved in this nonsense, you can get banned,too.”

Jim Hazelton’s hands came up. “Christa, I was here alone andthey cornered me. I don’t believe Grim snuck beetles in my feed. It happenssometimes, and I wasn’t careful enough about checking it when it came in fromthe vendor. That’s where they got in. There have been some other cases aroundthe state. But they won’t listen to me, and they’re damn intimidating.”

“Not as intimidating as I am,” Christa declared.

“The devil lives in my stepson,” his stepfather went on, hishands going up in the air.

“You say that when women wear tank tops to a gym class,”Nicole pointed out.

“And when we wear leggings.” The oddest supporter steppedup. Alyssa crossed her arms over her chest and stood beside Nicole. “And whenwe breathe in public. You know it is not my fault that your sad-sack sons can’tcontrol themselves.”

Pastor Mike actually clapped. “Don’t forget that he tried toget the new pizza place shut down because he doesn’t understand we don’t liveunder Leviticus. You know, Ezekiel, a good slice of pepperoni would change yourworld.”

“Heretic,” his stepfather hissed.

“We are so sick of you harassing us.” Debbie Vanderburgmoved in beside Alyssa. She’d gone to high school out at the resort.

“Yes, maybe it’s time we take this to the city board,”another voice said. “I know I’m sick of my daughter crying because those idiotscall her a whore.”

“You aren’t listening to me.” His stepfather seemed tounderstand this wasn’t going how he’d planned. “Do you even care what’shappening to our town?”

“What’s happening is we have an excellent vet who managed abad situation without losing a single bred heifer,” Nicole announced. “And hedidn’t do it so his business got better. It can’t get better. He doesn’t needthe money. He does it because he cares about this town and its citizens.”

“Grim came out at one in the morning because my yorkie ate achocolate bar,” Shelia James announced.

“It was milk chocolate flavored,” he said. “Not enough cacaoto hurt her.”

“But you showed up,” she insisted. “I was scared as hell,and you got out of bed and came to help me. And you brought along Joshua so Ihad something real nice to look at.”

That sent a laugh through the café.

Josh merely nodded. “I was glad to help.”

“Ladies, I understand that he’s a work of art, but his headis going to get so big it won’t fit through the door,” Nicole said with asmile.

“Well, then his daddy will buy a bigger house,” Alyssapointed out.

Another huge laugh.

His stepfather had flushed. “Does no one care that the devilis here?”

“I think you see the devil in everyone because he’s insideyou,” Nicole said. “He sure isn’t inside Grim. Grim is full of love, and he’sone of the best men I know.”

“Here, here.” Pastor Mike raised his glass. “Best vet inTexas and a good friend to all.”

John put a hand on his father’s arm. “Let’s go, Dad. They’veall given in. They’re not worth saving.”

“It’s because of his whore,” his stepfather spat.

And then he and Josh were both on their feet.

Nicole stepped in front of them. “Nope. We’re good here. Idid recently get an excellent car out of this relationship, so I don’t carewhat he calls me.”

“That’s because Jack Barnes is addicted to smushing cars,”someone yelled.

Christa was cackling with laughter.

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