Page 100 of The Accidental Siren

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“Harlow is fine right where she is for the time being.” Joshleaned over and reached for her hand. “And we should watch what we say inpublic. They’re always listening.”

She flushed. Grim couldn’t imagine how hard it was on her tohave to measure her every emotion, to always try to fade into the background,though there had been times her good nature hadn’t allowed it. He was gratefulfor those times because Kimberly Kent had turned out to be a godsend. He wasn’tgoing to let Nicole know it, but he’d kind of listened in on the meeting she’dhad with the PI. Jack and Harlow had been there, and everyone seemed confidentKim could untangle the problem.

Nicole was going to be free.

It was up to them to ensure she didn’t go anywhere.

Which was why his gut tightened as he watched his father putsome money on the table and stand up.

“They’re watching me now,” Nicole said with a sigh.

“They’re watching me, darlin’.” Josh gave her a wink. “Noone can take their eyes off my handsome face.”

Sometimes the influence of Pops showed up in his bestfriend. Dad’s influence was always there, but when Josh smiled and winked hewas all Sam. He hadn’t seen that sunniness in Josh in weeks.

Nicole’s nose wrinkled. “You think entirely too highly ofyourself. I think they’re watching Grim because of his broody good looks.”

He was worried they were watching him because of somethinghis asshole stepfather was putting out.

Josh glanced around the café. “Nope. It’s definitely…” Hisbest friend’s face went blank. “Is that who I think it is?”

Grim sighed. “Yeah. He’s been here the whole time. I’mpretty sure he’s got at least two of my brothers with him, but I can’t tell whohe’s talking to.”

Nicole twisted her torso, trying to figure out who they weretalking about.

“I can,” Josh said, and his tone had gone arctic. “It’sHazelton.”

A chill went up Grim’s spine. Jim Hazelton ran the feedstore. What was his stepfather doing with the feed store owner? He couldn’tforget about the fact that his stepfather and brothers had been preaching abouthow sin was causing the trouble with the local cattle. And sin was the wordthey always associated with his new family.

Now they would associate it with Nicole.

“Maybe I should check on Buddy.” If he wasn’t sitting hereperhaps his stepdad wouldn’t cause a scene.

All the assholes in his life were right here in the café.Alyssa kept looking over like she was planning to approach them but hadn’tworked up the courage yet.

He felt like all their joy was about to get slashed andburned.

Was this how it always would be? Had he brought this down onthem all?

“Or you can sit here and enjoy your dessert,” Josh said witha frown. “He wants to start something, I can handle him. Same with our otherproblem. I thought she was the only thing we had to worry about tonight.”

Only because he hadn’t seen the real trouble coming theirway.

“What’s going on? Why would Grim need to leave?” Nicole’ssweet happiness was replaced with obvious anxiety.

His stepfather was talking to Jim Hazelton and reached ahand out. They shook like they’d decided on something.

He probably wouldn’t like the decision.

“Maybe we should all head home,” Grim said, wanting to avoidthe confrontation. The public confrontation he was pretty sure was about tohappen. It wouldn’t bother him. Josh would actually enjoy it.

Nic was the one who would get hurt. She was the one whowould see what it meant to be his woman.

His stepfather walked toward them, flanked by hisstepbrothers. Peter’s eyes flared when he saw him, and he slapped at John’s armto get his attention.

Sharks. They smelled blood in the water.

Grim started to slide out of the booth, but Josh stoppedhim.

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