Page 37 of Pretty Little Thing

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I’m not taking no for an answer here. Hell, part of me wants to drive her home myself. She passed out under my hand. I pushed her too hard and I don’t want her out of my sight again for the rest of the night.

I lead her to the exit, pausing to give Judy a quick heads up on my way out. She takes one look at Nora and gives me a subtle wink. No worries, it means. Thanks for looking out for the newbies.

I hold the door open and Nora follows me outside. She instantly throws her jacket back on and wraps her arms around her chest to block out the late autumn chill. The weather doesn’t hurt me much but I’ve got fifty pounds on her, at least. It’s admirable, honestly; How a woman so tiny managed to become such a big deal.

I let her point the way and we set out toward the parking garage a few blocks east.

After a minute of silence, Nora clears her throat. “So, how long have you worked there?” she asks.

I count back. “Six months. Give or take.”

“Do you like it? I mean, it’s gotta be better than plugging numbers for me all day.”

I chuckle. “Well, when you put it that way…”

She smiles. “I won’t take it personally.”

“It’s different,” I answer. “More stressful, in a way. I usually don’t have to worry about Ali in accounting passing out mid-spanking.” Nora’s face screws up and I cringe. “Too soon?”

“Little bit…” She laughs.


“It’s all right. I’m sure I’ll wake up one day and find it hilarious.” Her face relaxes. “Has anything like that ever happened before?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“Are you lying to make me feel better?”


“Pinky promise?”

I chuckle. “I swear. Things like that aren’t uncommon. It can get intense in there.”

Nora looks at me and nods, seemingly satisfied with the response.

We reach the parking garage a bit too quickly. I need more alone time with her if I’m ever going to figure out where she stashes her client list. And I honestly wouldn’t mind a few minutes alone with her in other ways as well…

My fingers tingle with the memory of her body in my lap. Her chest softly rising and falling. Blood rushing to my groin and me silently praying she can’t feel the bulge against her hip.

“Just over here,” she says, pointing across the lot.

I spot the scarlet red sedan in the corner, parked behind a giant, black truck. Once again, I’m instantly happy with my decision to walk her back to her car. It’s not the safest neighborhood and a dark corner like this is ample opportunity for someone to try and mug her. Or worse.

But also…

I glance around. There are only a few other cars parked in this area and with that truck blocking most angles…

Nora turns to face me next to the driver’s side door. “Thanks for walking me back,” she says, popping open her little purse to find her car keys.

“No problem,” I say. “I’m happy to do it.”

She pulls the handle, opening the door an inch. “I’ll see you tomorrow—”

I rest my hand on the door, blocking it. “Wait.”

She pauses, her eyes slowly rising to look at me. There’s a flush of color on her face, like a jolt of electricity she can’t deny.

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