Page 76 of Old Habits

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“Okay, okay.” I hold up my hands. “I concede.”

“It took me about two years to get my degree in Automotive Technology.”

“Sounds fancy. I’d have just called it Car Shit.”

He laughs. “Marv hired me on at the shop about a year in, so I worked it and learned it all at once.”

“You kept really busy,” I say.

“I had to. If I didn’t, then…” He pauses. “I just had to.”

I stare a little closer at his eyes, easily sensing the pain as it quickly dispels. “Will, why did you bring me here?”

He takes a breath. “Well, I’ve been thinking about our blank slate.” I wince and he holds up a hand. “Just hear me out before you make the face.”

I force a neutral expression and stay quiet.

“I’m not going to ask you anything about your life over the last four years,” he says, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t tell you about my life. I want you to know what I’ve been up to. If you don’t want to know, that’s fine, too. We’ll ride right on back home but this place was a big part of me for a while and I wanted to share it with you.”

I smile. “That sounds reasonable.”

“And…” he leans back against the seat of his bike, “I wanted to get you alone again and that’s difficult to accomplish back home nowadays.”

“So, you brought me out of town,” I nod, “and shut me up in a garage.”

He frowns. “Yeah, it seemed more romantic in my head…”

I chuckle and step toward him. “No, it’s not bad.”


“It has potential.”

I take hold of his jacket and lean in to kiss him. He instantly parts his lips and kisses me back. His fingers crawl behind me and I twitch with the shivers racing down to my ankles.

Will shifts back and throws one leg over his bike, sitting down on the seat with that smirk in his eyes. I go with him and straddle his waist, facing him on the seat with my legs resting on his.

His hands travel up and over my breasts to my shoulders, slowly sliding my jacket down my arms. I let it slip off my back to the floor and Will leans in to kiss my neck above my tank top.

I smile wider with each warm press of his lips on my skin. “Do you remember our first time together?” I ask.

“How could I forget?” He nods, smiling. “The spring fling. Junior year. I went with Blair McQueen but she ditched me to dance with Roger Peck and never came back.”

“Bryan Sumner.” I recall my date, cringing. “He tried to force himself on me in the boy’s bathroom.”

Will slides his hands around my waist to draw us just a little closer. “I walked in and your lipstick was smeared and your mascara was running.” He kisses my collarbone. “He’d torn your dress and the strap was hanging off your arm like this.” He hooks a finger under my strap and slides it down to reveal more of my skin.

I smile. “You kicked his ass.”

“Well,” he chuckles, “I got in a few good hits before Vice Principal Sanders walked in. I looked up and you were gone... but then I walked outside to my bike and there you were.”

“I waited for twenty whole minutes. You’re lucky I didn’t get bored.”

He rests his forehead on my chest. “You slapped the seat and asked, ‘does this POS seat two?’”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Whatever happened to that crappy, old moped?”

“Got rid of it when I bought the Bolt senior year.”

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