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“You can have it all,” she grumbled. “But you have to get it out of my car in the next ten seconds, because I’m about to go down to the police station and murder my father in cold blood.” Maven fumed.

There was a moment of silence and then I said, “You should probably not announce your plan when it comes to committing murder. Especially in front of two police officers obligated to share that kind of information.”

She scoffed. “I don’t care what you have to say, or what you do. All I care about is how my father is ruining my life because I want nothing to do with him. And he’s all butt hurt about it and trying to force his hand. Like freakin’ always.”

I frowned. “What else is he trying to do?”

I’m going to dress how I want this summer. If you think I’m fat, well so do I.

—Maven’s secret thoughts


I was fuming.

I’d come in to work this morning and started my day like any other day.

I’d gotten all my pastries baked and out in the cases, my hand on the door sign poised to flip it to open, when a man wearing a Dallas Health Department embroidered shirt showed.

He had a look on his face that let me know clearly that my day was about to be fucked.


Because my dad hated me, and he knew everyone in the city.

And that wasn’t an understatement.

My dad was the chief of police for the Dallas Police Department.

If he didn’t know them, he would get to know them.

And he intimidated them all.

The health official had stood at the door to my business and pasted a sign on the glass stating that my business was officially closed due to health violations.

Which was a fucking lie, because my place was as clean as a whistle.

It had to be because my dad sent the health inspector out every single week to get me closed down.

I’d managed to avoid actually closing down until this morning, when they’d forced my hand.

Now I had thousands of dollars’ worth of bakery items that would go to waste, and no way to recoup it since I wasn’t allowed to sell anything until I was reinstated to work.

I also knew that if I tried to sell anyway, I’d be arrested.

There was likely some douchebag cop who was loyal to my father somewhere keeping watch, just in case.

Pepper had arrived in time to see the health inspector leave, and she’d waited with me until well past nine in the morning—four hours after I was supposed to open and six since I’d gotten there this morning—to call the health inspector’s office to file an official complaint.

Though, I’d been able to get ahold of my lawyer much faster than that, and she’d promised to have a suit filed by Monday morning.

Needless to say, after hanging up the phone, the last people I wanted to deal with were a couple more cops.

Though, the Carters seemed to be better than most.

I especially liked the two who were here.

Atlas was the sweetest man I’d ever met.

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