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“Is this how you greet all new residents of Whispers or just the single females? Do you make a habit of barging onto their property, demanding they sell, and when they decline, make fun of them?” I ask, pissed off now at his inability to actually hear what I am saying. His eyebrow quirks, like he is surprised that I’m calling him out on his bullshit welcome. “As I am sure you know, myaunt’s family built this property. She spent her entire life here in this town, and in her passing, she has given it to me to look after. So that’s my plan,” I tell him, strong in my stance.

“One million is a lot of money, Victoria. How ’bout you sleep on it?” His low rumble of a voice with a slight drawl of a country accent has my pussy pulsing, even though he is absolutely infuriating.

“Seems you are like every other man I have come across lately and don’t like to hear the wordno, Mr. Whiteman, so let me just spell it out for you.N.O,” I say, stepping back from him and his sidekick, both sporting furrowed brows. “But, of course, I appreciate your offer. If you will excuse me, I have some cleaning to do.”

Sawyer steps back to the truck, while Tanner takes a small step toward me. We are at eye level with him standing on the bottom step and me a few steps up on the porch. As he bends his head closer to mine, I don’t move. Holding my breath, his head dips to my ear, and his voice is deeper as he says, “I am not like any other man you have come across before, I can assure you that.”

My heart thuds dangerously loud as he pulls back, giving me a smirk before he says, “Welcome to Whispers, Victoria.” The sound of my name rolling off his tongue vibrates down my breasts, my traitorous nipples now peaking to attention like I am in an icebox.What is going on with me?Giving me a wink, he walks to his truck as I watch him go.

“Thanks, neighbor,” I say, not able to help the slight sarcasm. If they think they can come here and flash money around, trying to get my property, they are sorelymistaken. Not even if the man trying looks like he was God’s favorite. Renovating and designing a home like this has been a dream of mine for so long, and the universe put it straight in my lap. I am not going to give it up.

They were willing to pay me a million dollars, which is simply confirmation this property is worth keeping. Renewed enthusiasm fills my bones. It’s time to get to work.



Ipush through the door and into the boardroom back at the distillery, Sawyer hot on my heels. My strides are long, my adrenaline high, my ears ringing as my blood feels like it’s coursing around my body at a speed that has me antsy.

“That was interesting…” Sawyer says, taking a seat at the large oak table I built over a decade ago. Woodworking is a hobby of mine, this desk one of my biggest projects. It is not the shiny polished timber you would find in the city. This is all recycled, damaged, dented, and from the old barrels. Stained in places, it’s sanded back to reveal the inner workings of the wood. It is unique, just how I like things.

“I can’t believe she turned down a million dollars,” I say in awe, unsure of my next move. She surprised me when we barreled up to her place, offering money she has probably never seen and yet still rejected. She wasn’t what I was expecting.

“We could up our price? Perhaps offer her anotherfew hundred thousand, pay for her flight home and any incidentals so she isn’t out of pocket for coming here,” Sawyer suggests, and what he offers makes sense. I want that property, and I will do anything to get it.

Scrubbing a hand over my face, I sigh, and even though it is early, I walk over to my whiskey bar and pour myself one finger. My new neighbor has me feeling off-kilter. She is feisty and stubborn. Assertive and clearly knowledgeable.I like her.

Jerry said she was pretty, but she was fucking stunning. The image of her standing there barefoot, her toes polished a soft shade of pink, her hair blowing in the small breeze. She is naturally beautiful. I shake my head. Not only do I already know she is going to be a massive pain in my ass, but she’s also way too young for me to be having these kinds of thoughts.

“Something tells me she still won’t take it,” I murmur, throwing my drink back, not even feeling the burn I desperately need right now.

“I want you to put through the paperwork with the town planner,” I tell him abruptly.

“But you can’t. You don’t own the land,” Sawyer says.

“Adverse possession. That property is as good as mine.” I’m confident that I will get it.

“I don’t think that will work.” Sawyer shakes his head at me, frowning.

“I did everything for Marie. I have spent more time on that land than that niece of hers ever has. I’ve been in the field and managing the land more than even Marie in her later years. Plus, I know the town planner… Maybe I can make him some sort of offer…”

“If you are talking about bribery, then I don’t want to know. But let me put in the paperwork to attain via adverse possession, and we’ll see what happens. It’s a long shot, but I might as well try. She is crazy to turn down that money,” he murmurs, rubbing his chin in thought.

“Or smart,” I throw back at him with a smirk. She was confident but polite, and I can’t help but wonder how far I can push her. The fire I saw in her eyes sure makes me want to.

“What do you mean?” He looks at me in question.

“Well,SawyertheLawyer…” I say, teasing him with what will no doubt become his new nickname around here. He gives me a dirty look, which I ignore. “She clearly knows the worth of the place, so she has done her research. Now we have shown her our hand; she knows that I want it and will pay top dollar for it. If we put in the paperwork, that can be our backup plan—because that will take a while to process—but in the meantime, maybe we can play it out?” I take a seat in the large brown leather chair at the end of the table, still thinking about the woman who has breezed into town, seemingly without a care in the world, and is turning her hand to living in the country. It is a brave move. Very brave.

“So we leave her to it and wait for her to fail?” he asks, and I ponder his words. I love this town and everyone in it. It is not in my nature to just let people fail. I help a lot of people, donate to the local charities, help fund the local school. I have the means to, and this town has been good to me.

Leaning back in my chair, I run a hand through myhair. I had my heart set on that place for our expansion. I am used to getting what I want, when I want it. But… I don’t mind a little bit of friendly competition.

“I’ll get Connor to do some research on her, find out what he can, and I will chat with her some more this week and see what I can work out with her,” I tell him, resting my body back into the soft leather, happy with my decision. Sawyer raises his eyebrow at me.

“So you plan to go visit her again?” Sawyer asks, a small smile dancing on his lips. I pay him too much money for his teasing, but I indulge him anyway.

“Spit it out.”

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