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“So, how is the house coming along?” Fiona asks as she sets the menu down.

“It’s looking great. I only have the kitchen and laundry to do, really. I’m just waiting on the builder to come,” I tell her, not able to contain my broad smile.

“I knew you would do it. You’re stubborn like that,” Fiona quips.

“Tell me about it,” Tanner murmurs, and I turn my head to look at him.

“What? Are you two ganging up on me already?” I say in jest, smiling as they both share a look of amusement.

“I just mean that you always push yourself. When you set your mind to something, you do it. I knew that house would be the perfect project for you, and I knew that no matter what it took, you would make it into something really beautiful,” she says, and it fills me with pride. It was a big job, and now it is almost complete. But the fear of failing, the fear of setting out to do this mammoth project and not succeeding, that was a scenario I didn’t want to deal with.

“Push herself is right. You have a strong work ethic, Victoria. The property has never looked as good as it does now, and that is all due to your commitment and hard work,” Tanner says, squeezing my hand, and I feel my cheeks heat at his compliment.

“It just needed a bit of love, that is all,” I say to them both, playing down my achievements a little.

“So, have you been to your apartment yet?” Fiona asks, just as the waitress comes to take our order.

“Apartment?” Tanner asks, looking at me with a frown, his soft eyes now wrinkled in confusion.

“Yeah, I still have my apartment here,” I say sheepishly. We haven’t really talked too much about logistics, but I know Whispers is now home.

“I didn’t know,” he says, quietly watching me. I feel like I have done something wrong, but I push the feeling down.

“I kept it just in case Whispers didn’t work out. You know, a safety net,” I try to explain with a small shrug, because it really isn’t that big of a deal. Tanner’s face isdeep set before he nods, and then his cell rings. Pulling it out, he looks at the screen.

“It’s Connor. I need to take this. Excuse me,” he says, standing and pressing a kiss to my head. I watch the back of him as he walks outside before Fiona kicks me under the table.

“Oh my God, he is sooooo into you. He has been staring at you in awe from the moment you arrived,” she says, and I smile, feeling giddy. “Plus, wow, he’s a good-looking man.”

“I know. He really is perfect,” I say as those familiar flutters return to my belly.

“Perfect is right. He flew you here, brings you to your favorite burger place, then is also taking us to grab cake. From everything you’ve told me already, too, I mean, seriously, he is a keeper.” She takes a sip of her cola, smiling around her straw as she looks at me.

“I think I am really falling for him, Fi,” I tell her honestly, and her face turns serious.

“Are you in love with him?” she asks me point-blank. I am quiet for a moment, thinking about her question. I moved to Whispers only a few months ago, and the whole thing has been such a blur. But I’m nodding before I even get the words out.

“Yes. I am in love with him,” I say, breathing out, my chest feeling hot and heart beating faster at the realization.

I am in love with my billionaire neighbor.

Tannerand I have been in New York for a few days. He agreed that Benny’s did, indeed, have the best burgers. So much so, we also went back the next day. After we enjoyed some delicious cake, Fiona and I took him to our favorite little bar, the one where she met Tyler. But he was nowhere to be seen.

Although the city was home for me for so long, it does feel strange coming back. It has been months since I was here last, and even though I grew up in this city, there is nothing familiar about his lifestyle. A penthouse in the sky, looking like it is straight out of a magazine, does nothing but spark creativity in my design thoughts, the city luxury now ingrained in my brain.

“Well, here it is,” I say, stopping at the door of my apartment while I fish out the keys. It was a nice morning, so we walked here through Central Park, holding hands and people watching like old lovers. Now I watch Tanner looking around the hallway. It is nothing like his, but it is neat, safe, and in New York, that is luxury to me.

“I finally get to see your before,” he murmurs, smiling at me. His hand stays firmly around my waist, always keeping me close. We haven’t talked any more about me keeping this apartment. But as a single girl moving to a small town, I knew I needed a safety net and had to look after myself.

“Hmm, well, it’s not as luxurious as your place, so keep your expectations low,” I laugh, opening the door and stepping inside, then turning on the lights to brighten up the place. “Home sweet home,” I say, but the words feel foreign. Picking up the mail from the floor, Iplace it on the kitchen counter as Tanner walks in slowly behind me, taking it all in, a small smile on his face.

“It’s cute and has personality. Like you,” he says, looking way too big in this small apartment.

I sigh, almost shuddering as I take it in myself. It truly doesn’t feel like home anymore. There is a slight stale smell, it feels cold and claustrophobic, and memories of Josh fill the space, making me feel like I am stepping back in time.

“I’ll just go and grab some things.” I’m already itching to leave and thinking I will pack up everything permanently at some point soon. A few days here is not long enough, and this trip was about the two of us having some time away from the craziness of Whispers.

“Sure, take your time,” Tanner says, walking into the living room and looking at the photos on the wall. I watch him for a moment, taking his time like he is memorizing each photo. My heart warms having him here with me. Watching him take in my former life and not balk at it. I see him smirk as he picks up a photo of my mom and me, an old one from Halloween.

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