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Taking my hand in his, we head down to a waiting town car and start our journey.

“Soooo, where are you taking me?” I ask, intrigued, as my body melts into the leather seats of the town car. Tanner reaches out and takes my hand in his, his palm warm against my skin, and I am not sure I have ever felt so content with a man.

“You’ll see.” Looking out the car window at the city landscape, he doesn’t give anything away.

“Is it more whiskey tasting?” I ask cheekily, and his head swivels to look at me, his eyes a molten brown.

To say last night took us to a whole other level is an understatement. I am not sure if it was the whiskey, the big night at the gala, the luxurious penthouse, or maybe just being away from Whispers, but we were explosive. I have never felt as connected to another person in my life, and I find myself falling even harder with every day that passes.

“No whiskey. Not yet. Did you like it?” he asks, watching me carefully.

“The whiskey or the tasting?” I clarify, my voice teasing. His thumb strums my hand as his other comes to his face, and he brushes them across his lips like he is remembering the taste of last night.

“Both,” he says, his eyes not wavering from mine.

“I am not a whiskey connoisseur, but I really liked the liquor last night. I haven’t had a tasting like it before, and I would like to do that again. It seemed easier to drink…” I say, and a small growl emits from his chest.

“Me too,” he agrees, and his smile is almost deadly as I feel the car pull up to the curb.

“We’re here.” Bringing my hand to his lips, he kisses it before jumping out and keeping the door open for me. I slide along the seat and take his hand again to step out, looking around and seeing the familiar street.

“Benny’s!” I shout so loud the people walking past turn to look at me.

“We need to eat, and you said they had the best burgers,” he says simply, and I look at him, wide-eyed. I mentioned it once, and he remembered.

“Oh my God, I am so happy!” My smile’s wide as I grip on to his hand and step toward him, giving him a kiss to show my gratitude. His other hand wraps around my waist, pulling me close. It isn’t just the burgers, although they are delicious. It is the fact that he remembers my little comments, the things I like, and wants to experience them with me. He listens.

“Come on, let’s go eat,” he says, pulling me along, and I follow him quickly, my stomach now rumbling.

We walk in and the place is busy, but they greet Tanner like they know exactly who he is, and we are taken to a table farther down the back. A few people look at us, and I know it isn’t because of me, but rather the tall, brooding man leading me to the back. It isn’t a posh place. Even though he is in jeans and a sweater, he looksmore distinguished than anyone else here. Tanner probably won’t even like the burgers after the absolute smorgasbord of divine food we ate at the gala last night.

“About time you got here. I was about to eat my left arm!” a female voice says, and my breath catches.

“Fiona!” I scream and run the remaining few steps to her. She jumps up from her seat, and we hug for probably a full minute. It feels so good to see her.

“What are you doing here?” I ask. I told her we were coming, and I had plans to call her tomorrow to arrange to catch up.

“Oh, lover boy neighbor here wanted to make sure we got to see each other. He suggested Benny’s, and then I told him that I would marry him if you didn’t,” she says, smiling and I laugh, missing her.

“So you have already met?” I ask, looking between her and Tanner.

“Not officially. I’m lover boy neighbor, Tanner Whiteman,” Tanner says with a chuckle, holding out his hand.

“Fiona. Best friend, hurt her and you die. Pleased to meet you,” Fiona says, and as they shake, I smile. It feels good seeing my two favorite people together.

“She is more likely to hurt herself the way she climbs ladders and drives cars, but I will always be there to save her.”

Fiona laughs, and he winks my way, even as I roll my eyes.

“Let’s eat. I have heard all about these famous burgers, so they better live up to the hype,” Tanner says, pulling out my chair, and I catch Fiona looking at me with approval on her face.

“We should totally go to Maison Pickle for cake afterward. Give Tanner the cake experience too while you’re at it,” Fiona suggests, and my eyes widen in excitement.

“Already organized. They are expecting us,” Tanner says, and I sit in shock. He catches my surprised gaze and smiles, making my chest spread with warmth. Grabbing my hand under the table, he gives it a squeeze. “You’re staring and drooling…” he murmurs jokingly, and I huff a small laugh.

“Oh my, you two are so cute.” Her smile is giddy as she picks up the menu, looking at it like she has no idea what to order, when in reality, we always order the same thing every time.

My shoulders lower, and I feel so much gratitude sweep through me as I sit here taking in this moment. Tanner is amazing. Making such an effort to meet my friend and take me to the places he knows I miss the most. He hasn’t let go of my hand under the table, his thumb running over my skin, and I swallow roughly. The feelings I have for this man are coming in thick and fast. He couldn’t be more perfect if he tried.

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