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“It was probably her and she just didn't want to tell you. Knowing how grumpy you would be,” Connor mentions, and I take a deep breath. Maybe he is right. Maybe I am being too protective.

“Maybe…” I say, thinking about it.

“We just have this paperwork to finish, and then you should grab the car back to the jet,” Connor says, and I frown in confusion.

“Jet?” I have a few more nights here to go throughsome other paperwork and meetings Connor has arranged.

“You have been here for a few days, and I have never seen you so disconnected. I thought maybe you should go back early, see Victoria. See your new babies. I can handle everything here for the rest of the week.”

I look at my son, my emotions mixed. It has always been the two of us. My sole focus in my entire adult life has been him and Whiteman’s. I worked hard to make something of myself, to be a father he could be proud of. I worked hard to get him into the best college, get him everything he needed. I was there for every homework assignment, every bump and scratch. I tried to fill the role of both parents, rarely having any time to myself. The tides are now changing a little, the two of us can feel it.

“Who knows what I will find when I get back there. The bloody cow is probably in calf, and then we will have a whole barnyard of animals,” I tell him, scoffing a laugh.

“I always wanted a sibling. I just preferred it to be of the human variety,” he says as we bring up the next item of business and get down to work, but me with an extra spring in my step, knowing I will be home soon.



After being outside most of the day, then taking a photo with the goats, which immediately went viral, I am now at my computer with my favorite music blaring.

I look at the flowers that Jasmine brought over today when she stopped by on her way home from the flower markets this morning. It was a surprise visit, and I was happy to see her.

Smiling, I look at the posey she brought me because I love flowers, even though red roses now give me the creeps. This week, I have removed any location-identifying imagery and information from my website and social media channels. I still mention Whispers, but I now will keep my specific location anonymous. Regardless, Josh's calls are still incessant, and I haven’t answered again. I have no idea when he will stop, but he needs to.

With a sigh, I shake off the heavy feeling and look around my abode. The house is amazing. It is looking better than I could have ever imagined. It smells likecookies because I made one of Marie’s recipes. I felt bad because I left Jasmine to babysit the goats in the shed earlier when I came in to get them out of the oven and onto the rack, trying to cool them down for a while before I took one out for her to taste. But she took an instant love to them, like we all have.

Now with the house in order and smelling like cookies, it is like my thoughts and Pinterest boards literally came to life, and in the flesh, the house just looks so much better. The new carpet is installed upstairs, and I have selected new light fixtures. I purchased a new bed and side tables, the main bedroom now going to be extremely luxurious. I still need to organize a chimney sweep, but the biggest thing to tackle is the kitchen. Seeing an email from Griffin waiting for me in my inbox, my stomach does a flip in anticipation as I click on it.

I still can’t believe that the country's best and most sought-after luxury builder is doingmykitchen. Tanner is obviously friends with him, and I am starting to understand that Tanner is friends with a lot of high-profile people.

Opening the email, I start to read, taking a quick breath. The quote is much lower than I ever thought possible. I frown, wondering how that can be. But I see he has offered a heavy discount for social media partnership opportunities, and even though I know my little place on the internet is popular, this discount is significant. Grabbing my cell, I look at my socials. My audience increases daily, and while I don’t know a lot about social media strategy, I can tell that my channels and blog seem to resonate well, and I have even had a few brands reach outwanting to collaborate already, something I have yet to navigate.

I am happy with Griffin's offer, but hesitant. I am not used to people being so nice or offering so much when my return offer seems so little in comparison. My bank balance is nearly zeros, and with no job prospects, I am running out of time and ideas. My eyes scan further and full-blown shock rolls over me. He talks about working on a new project in Whispers, a luxury ranch that is being built just out of town. The owner wants nothing to do with the design, and given my flair for interior decorating, Griffin offered me up to work on the project.

“Holy shit,” I whisper to myself as I stare at the screen, astounded. This is like my dream job. Working with the top builder in the country on a new build. I read further, seeing that I have a multimillion-dollar budget and the project also takes into account a high project fee to pay me in advance if I need it. Apparently, the owner of the ranch has seen my socials, likes my aesthetics, likes that I am a Whispers local, and wants me to do this for him. I sit back in my chair, dumbfounded. Ever since I left the city, my world has realigned. I am doing what I love with my interiors. I am living in a community that is welcoming and beautiful. I have a grumpy neighbor who gives me the best orgasms of my life and makes me feel special every day. I wonder if Tanner knows about this. He probably knows who the owner of the land is, at least.

Jumping up from my chair, I start to dance around, so happy and excited. I want to share the news with someone. I go to call Tanner, but balk because he is in the city this week on business, and I shouldn’t interrupt him.Then I go to call Mom, but it goes to voicemail. No doubt she is out for dinner with friends. I am too nervous to sit still and want to shout it from the rooftops, so I grab my keys, deciding to head into town. I have a feeling that Jasmine and Lacy are probably at the bar, and I will call them from the road. They’ll be excited, and then maybe the diner will still be open, and I can treat myself to a piece of cake to bring home later.

I quickly grab my things and head outside to the shed, looking at the truck. I am not sure how long it will keep going, but I can’t afford a new car right now, so it will just have to do. Ignoring the creaking door, I jump in. Nothing can dampen my excitement. My smile is wide as I reverse out of the driveway and hit the road. I haven’t driven in the dark a lot yet, but the truck doesn’t go fast, so it is okay. As I get onto the main road, I dial Lacy and put my cell on speakerphone.

“Hey, Victoria!” Lacy says, and I can hear the music in the background so I know she is at the bar.

“Hey! I have good news, and I need to celebrate!” I tell her, not able to hide my enthusiasm as I dance in my seat.

“Ohhhh, do tell!” she says, and I laugh.

“I want to tell you in person. I am so excited I can barely stand it!” I say, almost squealing. Turning the corner, I realize I am going a bit fast, so I take my foot off the accelerator and touch the brake lightly.

“I’m at the bar. Jasmine is here too. Come down.”

“No, no, no, no…” My whole body tenses, heart in my throat, as my foot pushes the brake pedal harder and nothing happens.

“Victoria?” Lacy asks, sounding concerned.

“The brakes don’t work! The brakes don't work!” I scream at her as I panic. The roads are dark and quiet, but my hands sweat as I grip on to the wheel, my foot pushing down on the brake, to no avail.

“Shit. Where are you?” Lacy asks in a rush.

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